 Cycling is a solution for sustainable tourism development

This activity is a part of a pilot project to build up a bicycle-sharing system of Hue City sponsored by the Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the DeveloPPP program. The project is implemented based on the content of the memorandum of understanding between the People’s Committee of Hue City and GIZ organization and Vietsoftpro Joint Stock Company.

Public bicycles are the ideal means of green traffic trend, green tourism, and that of local general sustainable development. Therefore, the system of bicycle-sharing system in Hue is considered a necessary urban traffic solution to help locals and tourists to gradually transfer to the more sustainable mode of transportation.

From the middle of 2022, the People’s Committee of Hue City has coordinated with GIZ and Vietsoftpro to carry out the pilot model of the bicycle-sharing system in Hue City. Initially, this pilot model has reached effect, creating favorable conditions for visitors and locals to pick up and return bicycles at various locations in city area, suitable for short travel distances.

 Signing a memorandum of cooperation between businesses at the seminar

Addressing at the seminar, Mr. Nguyen Van Phuc, Director of the Department of Tourism said that pushing up cycling is a foundation for Thua Thien Hue to develop green and sustainable tourism; at the same time determining to turn tourism into a key economic sector.

Through the seminar, tourism organizations and businesses could get a chance to re-assess practical challenges and difficulties which have affected the work of implementing the tourism model of cycling; at the same time, the organizers could listen to the opinions of businesses sharing about tourists’ demands to build up an appropriate travel route; heading to the develop a new product for Hue. After this seminar, organizations and businesses committed to keep on cooperating to build up new tours in the coming time.

Also at the seminar, Vietsoftpro Joint Stock Company signed a memorandum of cooperation with local tourism businesses to together exploit new tourism products.

By Duc Quang