Hue Brass Band posing for a photo with the audience

The program began with a medley: Ca ngợi Hồ Chủ tịch (Praise for President Ho) - Bác đang cùng chúng cháu hành quân (Uncle Ho marches with us) - Bài ca Hồ Chí Minh (Song of Ho Chi Minh). The artists poured their souls into the music, creating sounds that evoked the deep love and gratitude of the Ancient Capital people towards beloved Uncle Ho, the venerable father of the nation.

Hue Brass Band then presented the audience with famous pieces such as: Chiều Maxcơva (Moscow nights), Đôi bờ (The two shores), Thời thanh niên sôi nổi (Song of the restless youth); as well as works by Trịnh Công Sơn: Dấu chân địa đàng (Footprints in paradise), Nhìn những mùa thu đi (Watching autumns gby), Tuổi đời mênh mông (The immense life), Cuối cùng một tình yêu (The end of love). The flutist Duc Hau, saxophonists Hoang An and Thai Binh also soloed with pieces like Chiếu khăn Piêu (The Pieu headscarf), Thao thức vì em (Restlessness for you), and Trái tim bên lề (A heart left aside).

The performance left the audience with many impressive emotions, both about the talent of the artists and the messages conveyed by the pieces.

By Pham Phuoc Chau