The international expert shared treatment experience at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University

Points in IC scored

On May 1, 2024, Time Higher Education (THE), the magazine on news and issues relevant to higher education, announced the rankings of Asian universities in 2024. In this rankings, Hue University is among six Vietnamese institutions ranked. Hue University ranked 4th with Ho Chi Minh City National University, at the same position 601+.

What is underscored is that among THE's ranking criteria such as teaching, international outlook, transfer, research environment, and research quality, the international outlook criteria of Hue University is rated highest among Vietnam’s units in the rankings. International outlook criteria account for 7.5%, including the ratio of international students/domestic students (2.5%), the ratio of international lecturers/domestic lecturers (2.5% ) and IC (2.5%).

In late 2023, THE also announced the world university rankings by scientific areas. Among the 11 areas, Hue University is ranked in 4 areas: Clinical & Health, Engineering, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences. In all four areas, the criterion with the highest score is IC outlook.

Concurrently, in late 2023, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Organization announced the results of the Asian university rankings in 2024. Hue University held the 350-400 position. In this ranking, the criteria of the International Research Network by Hue University achieved the highest score, ranking 155th, up 40 places against 2023.

According to the Department of Science, Technology and International Relations under Hue University, the current prestigious university rankings all use criteria relevant to international factors such as the ratio of international students, number of international scientific articles, number of international lecturers, number of joint training programs with foreign countries, etc.

According to THE, the capacity to attract undergraduates, postgraduates, and lecturers from around the world is the key to success in cementing the international position. According to QS, the criteria are grounded on the ratio of international lecturers and students proving the attraction, the ability to build an international brand of an educational institution; the provision of a multinational environment, the facilitation of cross-cultural exchange, and the development of soft skills that are increasingly valuable to employers.

According to Dr. Nguyen Xuan Huy, Deputy Head of the Department of Science, Technology and International Relations, Hue University, currently, Hue University is establishing cooperative relationships with more than 400 universities, research institutes, and scientific and educational organizations from more than 30 countries worldwide. Besides,  it has implemented 21 joint undergraduate and postgraduate training programs with foreign universities. Hue University is also a full member of 17 international university networks, training, and research organizations. It joins most of the networks of domestic research institutes and universities in diverse areas... These speak volumes for the greater and greater IC of Hue University.

Cooperation expanded

Assoc. Prof., Dr.  Le Anh Phuong, Director of Hue University, judged that aside from the numbers, the fact that Hue University has been recently highly evaluated in the IC area was attributed to those cooperation occasions. Many cooperation projects have been implemented and gained outstanding achievements. Many collaborations between Hue University lecturers and international experts achieved excellent overall results, earning major awards.

That partly affirms the lecturers’ expertise and partly effectively promotes Hue University in terms of quality and academic environment. Hue University also won the trust of many organizations when it was chosen to host many international conferences and seminars. Hue University also welcomes many teaching experts. They set great store by the academic environment, professionalism, and management capacity of Hue University's member universities.

One factor whereby Hue University has been highly evaluated recently is that more and more postgraduates and international students choose it as a place to study and research. In 2023, the first postgraduate from Laos successfully defended his doctoral thesis at Hue University. Currently, Hue University receives 1 postgraduate for PhD, 8 students doing Master’s, and 143 international students. Even the countries with the top-quality education in Asia such as Japan and Korea have their students reaching Hue University to study and research.

Amid globalization and internationalization, the IC in higher education is an inevitable trend to increase knowledge exchange and transnational experience. IC  is not confined to a specific area or a major but is comprehensive, covering all aspects of activities of higher education institutions. According to experts, amid integration, universities are not only educational institutions but also play a larger role in boosting the regional, national, and local IC.

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Le Anh Phuong affirmed that one of Hue University's strategic development targets is to rise to the top 300 best higher education institutions in Asia according to the QS rankings and continue to rise on THE rankings. Grounded on the standards and criteria of the rankings, Hue University synchronously carries out the solutions, especially the aspects in which Hue University has strengths with a priority on expanding IC and enhancing the effectiveness of cooperation.

Story and photo: Duc Quang