Guest room at La Vela Hotel Hue

La Vela Hotel Hue is located at lot 17, No.22 Street, Dong Nam Thuy An Urban Area, Thuy Duong Ward, Huong Thuy Town, Thua Thien Hue.

According to a representative of the Department of Tourism, this is the 8th accommodation facility in Thua Thien Hue province to meet this standard. The other 5-star hotels include: Hoang Cung (Imperial) at 08 Hung Vuong, Pilgrimage Village Resort (130 Minh Mang), Azerai La Résidence (05 Le Loi), Indochine Palace (105A Hung Vuong), Laguna Lang Co Resort (Cu Du Village, Loc Vinh, Phu Loc District), Silk Path (02 Le Loi), and Meliã Vinpearl Hue (50A Hung Vuong).

Thua Thien Hue identifies tourism as a spearhead industry. The local government and the tourism industry have lately made efforts to attract investment to the tourism sector, including a system of high-class hotels and resorts. Many of Hue's hotels and resorts have also been recognized and received many international awards in recent years.