Nguyen Thanh Tai at the ceremony honoring 100 national outstanding voluntary blood donors. Photo: Provided by the character

Since he was a student, Tai has been passionate about movies with doctors treating patients, especially scenes where blood is needed to save someone. Dreaming of becoming a doctor, he marked his 18th birthday with his first blood donation in his first year at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Since then, Tai has donated platelets 42 more times.

As the Vice President of the Live Blood Bank Club at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy for the 2023-2024 term, Tai not only leads by example in the movement but also participates in promoting and encouraging many members to join blood donation events at the school and various satellite blood donation events at the Hematology and Blood Transfusion Center of Hue Central Hospital.

In terms of blood distribution, this student from Da Nang has campaigned for urgent blood donations for patients needing emergency transfusions, heart surgery patients in difficult circumstances, especially pediatric patients with blood diseases, and critically ill patients being treated in the province.

During the critical time of the pandemic in 2021, Tai and his club organized satellite blood donation events at the Hematology and Blood Transfusion Center, the Provincial Red Cross, to promptly and fully meet the blood needs of patients. A memorable blood donation for Tai was taking two club members to Hue Central Hospital at 11 PM to support an emergency. When the work was completed, under strict pandemic control conditions, the two volunteers returned home on their own as the clock passed midnight.

Born and raised in a working-class family in Da Nang City, Tai’s parents instilled in him the virtues of dedication and sacrifice. For Tai, giving and helping others is a joy. Every school break when he returns home, Tai contacts Da Nang Oncology Hospital to offer patient support when needed, even during the days near Lunar New Year.

Proud to be the youngest person honored among the 100 national outstanding voluntary blood donors in 2024, Tai said he learned many things and visited many places thanks to this conference. What he regrets is not being able to donate platelets in Hanoi, aiming to donate blood to save people nationwide. However, Tai is happy to connect and support many people in getting to know of donating platelets.

"This trip to Hanoi was very meaningful to me. Interacting with experienced elders made me realize I need to strive more to contribute to society," Thanh Tai shared.

Not only being enthusiastic about blood donation, Nguyen Thanh Tai also helps organize training sessions on safe blood donation and promotes voluntary blood donation; organizing exchange sessions to connect club members. This medical student also joins groups to volunteer and donate gifts to social protection centers and rural communities. During the difficult time of the pandemic COVID-19, Taiwas among the volunteer students supporting checkpoints in Phu Loc district.

For Tai, community activities are his life's goal. With over 40 blood donation certificates, Taiconsiders them the precious wealth of his youth, dedicating himself to helping patients. With many outstanding achievements, Tai has received numerous commendations and certificates of merit in promoting voluntary blood donation and participating in voluntary blood donation.

Mr. Hoang Vinh Phu, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Red Cross, commented: "Through the movement promoted in the province, Nguyen Thanh Tai is one of the outstanding volunteers regularly participating in the humanitarian blood donation movement. The number of times he has donated blood and platelets is significantly higher than his age, showing his very positive response. As the Deputy Head of the Live Blood Bank Club at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tai is very active and energetic in promoting voluntary blood donation and meeting the unit's blood donation targets each year."

At the recent ceremony honoring 100 national outstanding voluntary blood donors in Hanoi, Mrs. Bui Thi Hoa - President of the Vietnam Red Cross Society and Standing Vice Chair of the National Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation, expressed: "Thanks to voluntary blood donors, the world is enriched with many vibrant colors, including the color of compassion and the joy of helping patients recover." Although Tai modestly considers his contributions small, he is one of many with a generous heart, sharing precious "life-saving medicine" to make this life full of hope and love.