Thai Hoa Palace was constructed in 1805 by Emperor Gia Long at the site of the Dai Cung Mon area. In 1833, Emperor Minh Mang had it rebuilt at its current location. As the place where the throne was placed, Thai Hoa Palace - a magnificent architectural masterpiece bearing the glorious mark of the Nguyen Dynasty, is considered not only the heart of the Imperial City, but also a place to preserve the system of literature and poetry, in the unique style of decoration of “nhat thi, nhat hoa” (one poem, one painting), and “nhat thi, nhat tu” (one poem, one word) both in its interior and exterior.

Towards the Vietnam Cultural Heritage Day (November 23), Thua Thien Hue Weekly would like to invite readers to visit Thai Hoa Palace during these days when artisans are constantly working overtime to complete the restoration of the masterpiece to the best of their ability.

The photo series was captured by Nguyen Phong, the photographer.

 Gilding on wood
 Cleaning the surface thoroughly before gilding
 Gilding the Sino-characters and decorative motifs
 The system of rafters looks absolutely stunning after being painted in red lacquer and gilded
By Thua Thien Hue Weekly