Workers of Huegatex factory during working hours

Investing in green products

Green production is a highlight that helps Hue Textile and Garment Joint Stock Company (Huegatex) affirm its reputation with customers and enhance its brand value in the global textile supply chain. Mr. Nguyen Van Phong, General Director of Huegatex, said that Huegatex’s main markets are the US, EU, Japan, South Korea, and China. Currently, the company is manufacturing for the brands such as Target, Kohl's, Walmart, PVH (Tommy), and Inditex (Zara), etc. All of these brands have set goals to reduce emissions and achieve a circular economy throughout the supply chains.

To achieve this, since 2020, the company has set a target of reducing emissions, wastewater, and waste by 1% per unit of product, and has implemented effective solutions.

“We are currently continuing to implement the target of reducing electricity consumption by 3%,” said Mr. Phong. To achieve this goal, Huegatex has collaborated with a green energy supplier to install a rooftop solar power system at garment factory 4; as well as investing in building a three-storey garment factory that meets the LEED standards (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). The entire factory uses a rooftop solar power system. The company has invested in an automated monitoring system, ensuring that wastewater meets national standards. Additionally, water is circulated into the activities such as fire prevention, firefighting, and environmental sanitation within the company.

In addition, the company has also “greened” its factory and products by producing recycled fiber products, fabrics using recycled fibers, and garments using materials containing recycled fibers. For the boiler and heat furnace systems that supply steam for dyeing and weaving operations, Huegatex uses biomass materials such as wood powder and rice husk as fuels to reduce emissions and environmental impacts.

“Green production is an inevitable trend, and a factor in enhancing the competitiveness in the global textile supply chain. Huegatex continues to focus on investing in green production, adhering to green standards from the design phase for new projects. We will continue to participate in customers' projects to leverage resources and gradually improve energy efficiency, energy circulation, and establish a green production model,” affirmed Mr. Nguyen Van Phong.

As a pioneer in green tourism and sustainable tourism, Alba Thanh Tan Hot Spring Resort has been recognized at numerous prestigious international awards, including the Top 1 “Best resort in the world for health care activities”, the Top 3 “Environmentally sustainable resorts”, being voted by customers of the Luxury Magazine. Additionally, Alba Thanh Tan is honored in the Top 20 “National Environmentally Friendly Green Resorts 2023”.

Ms. Vo Thi Dieu Huyen, Human Resources Director, and in charge of Alba Thanh Tan sustainable development project, informed that Alba Thanh Tan's green business focuses on several areas, including outdoor activities related to health such as meditation, cycling, and hiking; investment in organic farms, and the usage of environmentally friendly products.

In addition, the unit uses solar energy as a substitute for national electricity, and limits the usage of industrial electricity during peak hours, as well as investing in a standardized natural water treatment system for domestic use. As a result of these efforts, a 2023 survey revealed that Alba Thanh Tan reduced plastic packaging usage by 70% across departments; saved 12 million VND per month in electricity consumption at the resort; and experienced a higher return rate of guests and a larger number of new customers compared to the previous year.

According to Mr. Eugene Hendriks, Director of Alba Thanh Tan Hot Spring Resort, the goal of developing green tourism was set from the very beginning of the company's establishment. The company consistently implements this goal across all departments, starting with small actions from each individual employee and each department to cultivate a habit of environmental protection. Monthly meetings are held with department heads, and internal assessment are regularly conducted to ensure strict compliance. Additionally, experts of projects are invited to inspect and oversee the implementation, allowing for the improvement step by step.

Creating a foundation

In Thua Thien Hue, many enterprises have implemented the EGS standards (standards used to measure the level of sustainable development, and the impact of enterprises on the community) to meet the needs of customers. Notable examples include Scavi Hue Company, Thua Thien Hue Water Supply Joint Stock Company, Chan May Port Joint Stock Company, Thien Huong Company Limited, Baosteel Packing Company, Hue Viet Organic Company Limited, Medipharco Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, and MSV Company Limited, etc.

The representative of MSV Phu Bai Industrial Park Company Limited said that the company specializes in manufacturing export goods to the Japanese market. Therefore, the company has implemented numerous solutions towards green production, in line with the province's policy and global trends. The equipment and production line technology consume less energy. Additionally, the company encourages employees to contribute innovative ideas and improvements to the production process. It is estimated that the company reduces 500 tons of CO2 emissions annually. Currently, the company has established a production and business roadmap aiming to achieve zero emissions by 2050.

Developing green products is not only an environmental responsibility of the enterprises; but also a “golden” opportunity for them to strengthen their brand identity. Especially as consumers have increasingly appreciated and prefer enterprises with strong commitments to environmental and social protection.

Speaking at the forum themed “Provincial Green Index and the creation of an environmentally friendly business investment environment”, recently organized by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Hue, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Phan Quy Phuong affirmed that, not only now but also in previous decades, the province has attracted selective investment, prioritizing projects that meet the criteria of using modern technologies and being environmentally friendly.

In addition, in recent times, the province has issued many mechanisms and policies to support enterprises in improving the production efficiency, saving costs, and protecting the environment, encouraging and facilitating the development of circular economy models...

Thua Thien Hue is a locality recognized by prestigious international and domestic organizations as an “ASEAN Cultural City”, an “ASEAN Environmentally Sustainable City”, and a “National Green City”, etc. This recognition will serve as a foundation and driving force for the province to make faster and more effective strides on the path of green and sustainable development. “We prioritize supporting enterprises and investors that produce and trade green and environmentally friendly products,” affirmed Mr. Phan Quy Phuong.

Story and photo: Hai Thuan