Pictures of traditional kites flying in the closing night of Hue Traditional Craft Festival 2019

The closing program took place at the stage before Quoc Hoc High School for the Gifted, in a poetic space by the Huong River ...

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Phan Ngoc Tho, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the provincial National Assembly delegation; Mr. Huynh Cu, Standing member of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the City Party Committee; Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh, Chairman of Hue City People's Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee of Hue Traditional Craft Festival 2019. There were also international delegations from many countries and over 400 domestic and international artisans and craftsmen, artists and actors, sponsors and numerous local people and visitors.

Throughout the festival, there were many activities to honor art villages and artisans. In the closing night, the performances once again contained the priceless values of craft villages and artisans.

At the closing night, Mr. Nguyen Dang Thanh - Vice Chairman of Hue City People's Committee, Deputy Head of the organizing committee of the Traditional Craft Festival 2019 affirmed that this festival had created a new face for Hue with bustling and exciting days. In one week, the festival attracted more than 25,000 domestic and international visitors every day.

On this occasion, the organizing committee of Hue Traditional Craft Festival 2019 had honored representative artisans of craft villages, including 7 international cities, 2 international professional associations and 1 international business, 23 domestic artists and artisans, 40 craft facilities and 17 domestic designers and painters in the country ... In addition, the Most Voted award in the representative product contest was awarded to 15 artisans and craft establishments.

Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the provincial National Assembly delegation, Mr. Phan Ngoc Tho (3rd, right in) honoring international delegations attending the Hue Traditional Craft Festival 2019

An artistic performance with the appearance of conical hats, reminiscent of Hue's famous traditional craft villages

The performance of a group of young women with beautiful paper flowers

The village soul was re-enacted through a scene, where people could see products made from bamboo and rattan

Following the honouring of artisans were 7 excellent performances

Miss Ngoc Han – a familiar face with Hue Traditional Craft Festival. Each performance of Ngoc Han was reminiscent of the image of a craft village

A lot of spectators were present to say goodbye to an impressive festive season 

Fireworks concluded the closing ceremony of Hue Traditional Craft Festival 2019

Story and photos: Huong Thanh