ClockThursday, 01/09/2022 08:39

Digital transformation paves the way for socio-economic development

TTH.VN - Held annually from 2021, Hue Digital Transformation Week 2022 with the theme "Digital transformation paving the way for accelerating the socio-economic development". Thua Thien Hue expects to have digital transformation (DT) strategies in the new period. Director of Department of Information and Communications Nguyen Xuan Son shared this important activity with Thua Thien Hue Weekend Newspaper.

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Mr. Nguyen Xuan Son, Director of Department of Information and Communications

What are the highlights of this year's DT Week, sir?

Taking place from August 17 to 19, the event had a broad range of activities, including 6 agendas, in-depth discussions, exhibitions, the launch of digital solution platforms, and the signing of DT cooperation agreements between agencies, departments, and sectors of the province.

The dialogue session between enterprises and provincial leaders with the theme "Developing Thua Thien Hue digital technology enterprises and consulting on the orientation of DT solutions for sectors and localities" was aimed at attracting and calling for investment, consulting with enterprises to identify and soon improve the investment environment in the DT field.

In addition, along with the opening of exhibition spaces, the launch of digital technology platforms and solutions, a plenum of " DT paving the way for accelerating the socio-economic development" took place with the target of DT from the Government's orientation to the current DT trend, thereby raising awareness, helping the province to have DT orientation in accordance with the new trend as a basis for DT policy-making and planning at all levels, sectors, and localities in the coming time.

Especially, as the locality with the most cultural heritages in the country, at this event, Thua Thien Hue held its own symposium session "DT - promoting the strength of heritage - culture paves the way for the digital economy” to seek solutions to help preserve and enhance the cultural and heritage values towards creating new services and economic models for the locality. The symposium session attracted the participation of leaders of heritage management agencies, DT experts, and leading enterprises providing technology in the heritage–culture field.

In addition, there were thematic sessions: " DT in Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) - the driving force behind digital economy development in Thua Thien Hue Province". The DT support program for enterprises aimed to build a community of DT enterprises. The themes covered "Bilateral activities between departments and VINASA enterprise"; "DT Hue-S accompanying Thua Thien Hue Province Enterprises" and "Exchange with school and university students in Thua Thien Hue Province" with the theme "DT with the startup spirit of the young generation".

What objectives and changes are expected to achieve during the DT Week with a broad range of activities?

Visitors experiencing digital applications at Hue Digital Transformation Week 2022

Hue DT Week 2022 was held with the expectation of receiving the consultation on DT strategy development in the new period of Thua Thien Hue in particular and localities in general, towards promotion, cooperation, and investment of sectors and fields to pave the way for accelerating the development of the digital economy - digital society.

This is identified as one of the important annual activities in DT for Thua Thien Hue and the entire country. Concurrently, it contributes to raising DT awareness at all levels, sectors, and localities in building Digital Government, forming a DT enterprise community, and promoting the development of digital society and digital economy.

Thua Thien Hue is assessed as a bright spot in the entire country in implementing e-government, smart city services, and DT, could you please talk about this result?

In recent years, Thua Thien Hue has been the locality that continuously gained promotion in the top of the entire country in terms of PAPI, ICT Index. Most recently, it has been 1 of 6 localities nationwide honored as TOP INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES 4.0 - Localities with typical achievements in implementing industry 4.0 and DT, ranked 2nd nationwide in DT Index (DTI) in 2021 and ranked 3/63 in administrative procedure reform.

Worthy of note is that after 3 years of implementation, the Hue-S platform had nearly 800,000 accounts, and 17 million visits, almost reaching most citizens. Hue sets the objective: by 2025, it will achieve 100% of the Digital Government criteria; more than 90% of public services will reach level 4; the digital economy will contribute 15-20% of GRDP; 100% of agencies develop Cloud, and more than 300 enterprises apply digital technology.

The above results are attributed to the fact that in the past time, Thua Thien Hue province has drastically implemented the construction of e-Government, smart city, and national DT program across the province. Selecting the content and solutions suitable for the local realities has helped Hue make a strong step forward in DT.

Traditional handicraft products of Hue enterprises are sold largely through e-commerce platforms

After more than 3 years of implementing the Government's Resolution No. 17, several key tasks and solutions to develop e-Government in 2019 - 2020, with the orientation to 2025, the province completed 100% of the targets for 2019-2020 and 70% of the targets for 2021 - 2025 specified in the Resolution No. 17/NQ-CP dated March 7, 2019.

We are concentrating resources on investing in and upgrading information technology (IT) infrastructure with priority given to DT in areas with strengths of the province such as health, culture, education, science-technology, tourism, and agriculture. We boost IT application to improve the efficiency of work management and operation; train and raise awareness and skills for officials and civil servants; guide and popularize digital skills for the people…

What is your assessment of the DT work of Thua Thien Hue enterprises today?

This year's DT Forum had the participation of more than 50 speakers; more than 100 SMEs will be directly instructed in DT through training sessions. More than 50 booths introduced, displayed, and performed innovative technology solutions, ideas, and products from organizations and enterprises.

Through the symposium sessions, the solution introduction further clarified the specific program in the coming time to promote DT in enterprises in the right and effective direction.

In your view, what solutions are needed for the DT to be effective in the time to come?

Through the DT Week, the province will update and upgrade to make timely adjustments in the DT work in accordance with the new situation.

The results will be regularly summarized and put into practice to limit the situation of awareness that does not go hand in hand with actions in DT work among the people, enterprises, and authorities.

However, for the DT work to be effective, many problems need to be tackled. While our digital government is relatively stable with a lot of experience in implementation, there is pressure on enterprises and people in the development activities of digital society and digital economy. This requires appropriate methods adapting to reality, in line with the DT trend from the viewpoint that the State constructs, enterprises are the driving force, and the people are the center.

This relationship settlement to form a synchronous ecosystem in DT is a vital task in the short run.

Thank you, sir!

Story and photos: LIEN MINH

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