ClockWednesday, 20/03/2024 10:07

Motivation for development from "Key Projects"

TTH.VN - In 2024, numerous key projects in Thua Thien Hue province are expected to be completed and operational, promising to generate new momentum for development within the province. These projects not only contribute to driving the local economy and society but also create employment opportunities for workers.

Completing the infrastructure, attracting investment to HueHue facing new development opportunities

 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Mr. Phan Quy Phuong (on the left side of the image), studying the model of the Phu Son Household Waste Treatment Plant

At the regular meeting of the Provincial People's Committee in February, leader of the Planning and Investment Department disclosed that ten new projects had been licensed in the province, with a total registered investment capital of 3.250 billion VND. Among them, within the provincial economic and industrial zones, seven new projects were invested with a registered capital of 2.411 billion VND, while outside these zones, three projects were registered with 839 billion VND. Additionally, we have also adjusted to increase/decrease investment capital for two other projects with an additional capital of 90.8 billion VND; and granted investment policy decisions for two projects. Besides, we are selecting investors with a total registered capital of 712 billion VND.

These figures illustrate the province's particular attention to investment attraction efforts. In addition to creating favorable conditions for investors to implement projects, supporting and monitoring project progress are also emphasized. Project progress is regularly and continuously updated, and provincial task forces actively support investors.

Currently, there is encouraging progress in ensuring the completion of fundamental projects, especially large-scale ones. When operating, these projects will significantly impact the province's economic development. For instance, the Phu Son Waste Treatment Plant project and the Aeon Mall commercial center in Hue are notable examples.

Regarding the Phu Son Waste Treatment Plant project, it completed construction in August 2023, underwent the trial operation, and officially received acceptance on January 24. The plant is now preparing to commence full operation.

 The Kim Long Motors Hue project has entered phase 1 of operation while progressing with land clearance for phases 2 and 3

During the trial operation from September 1, 2023, to February 18, 2024, the plant processed a total of 43,422.88 tons of waste, generating 14,636,300 kWh of electricity and transmitting 12,497,800 kWh to the grid.

The plant currently receives waste collected from Hue City, Huong Thuy Town, Huong Tra Town, Phu Vang District, Phu Loc District, Nam Dong District, and Phu Bai Industrial Zone, averaging about 720 tons per day and supplying 240,000 kWh of green electricity per day.

It is known that this is the largest household waste treatment unit in the province to date, with a processing capacity of about 600 tons of waste per day. With this capacity, Thua Thien Hue will reduce the landfill rate to below 20%, meeting the requirements of the Prime Minister's Directive No. 41/CT-TTg.

During an inspection of the plant at the end of February 2024, Mr. Phan Quy Phuong, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, noted that the project had applied advanced technology to address the issue of household waste, generating new environmentally friendly energy sources. Additionally, it helps Hue access effective waste treatment technology to minimize pollution, improve living environments, ensure sustainable development, and align with the city's general plan for solid waste management.

As for the Aeon Mall commercial center in Hue, despite encountering some difficulties, the construction unit has made efforts to overcome them and strives to complete the entire project as committed. Currently, the project progress has reached over 80% of the construction plan, with some basic components already completed.

Emphasizing the importance of this project, Mr. Phan Quy Phuong, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, stated that it is a key project for the province. Once brought into operation, it will contribute positively to supplementing commercial service facilities and social infrastructure in the approved area, marking a new development step in attracting investment in the commercial service sector. Moreover, it will diversify shopping centers for residents and visitors to Hue.

In addition to the aforementioned projects, several major transportation ones such as the Huong River Overpass as well as the coastal road and Thuận An estuary overpass are determined to be completed in 2024.

Recently, at the Kim Long Motors Manufacturing and Assembly Complex project in the Chan May - Lang Co Economic Zone (Phu Loc District), Kim Long Motors Hue Joint Stock Company introduced its buses and held a contract signing ceremony, delivering vehicles to partners.

At this event, Mr. Nguyen Van Phuong, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, emphasized that the Kim Long Motors Hue Manufacturing and Assembly Complex is a key project for the province, making positive contributions to the development of the automotive industry, attracting investment in automotive supporting industries to Thua Thien Hue, restructuring the economy, solving employment issues, and increasing local budget revenue.

The provincial leader also stated that for projects nearing completion, special attention would be paid to supporting and resolving difficulties and obstacles, as the success of these projects not only rejuvenates Hue's appearance but also serves as a catalyst for attracting more investors to choose Hue as their investment destination.

According to Mr. Nguyen Van Phuong, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, key projects play a pivotal role in the province's development process, contributing to breakthroughs in transforming the province into a centrally-governed city. The province will focus on urging and supporting key projects to start operation promptly, creating breakthroughs for the industrial sector, particularly Kanglongda Hue Plant, Kim Long Motors Hue Manufacturing and Assembly Complex. Moreover, efforts will be made to support and resolve difficulties and obstacles to accelerate the progress of key projects using budget funds, such as the Nguyen Hoang road project and Huong River Overpass, coastal road, Chan May Port seawall Phase 2, environmental improvement projects in Hue City, and the conservation, restoration, and embellishment of Hue Citadel (Phase 2).

"Departments, sectors, and localities need to concentrate on reviewing, organizing assignments, monitoring, urging, supervising, and supporting the implementation of key projects to create new capacities, increase budget revenue, and solve employment issues for workers," emphasized Mr. Nguyen Van Phuong.

Story and photos: LE THO
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