ClockSaturday, 28/11/2020 15:23

Hue Cultural Heritage Research and Development Association established

TTH.VN - On the morning of November 27, the Advocacy Committee to establish Hue Cultural Heritage Research and Development Association held a congress to establish the Association in the term of 2020-2025. The representative of the provincial leaders, Mr. Phan Ngoc Tho, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee attended the event.

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Chairman Phan Ngoc Tho (on the left) granted the decision to establish Hue Cultural Heritage Research and Development Association to the association representative, Mr. Nguyen Dac Xuan.

Hue Cultural Heritage Research and Development Association was allowed to be established by the Provincial People's Committee in September 2020. This is a social organization, which is organized and operates in accordance with the Charter approved by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, and under the management of the Provincial Department of Culture and Sports in the specialized fields of activities of the association. The association has legal status, self-financing capacity, an office, and means of operation.

Hue Cultural Heritage Research and Development Association operates in the fields of heritage collection, research, and development, participating in the criticism and protection of the national cultural achievements in Hue, in which, its central tasks are to research, protect and develop cultural heritages in the fields of people, literature, art, drama, music, and traditional professions; natural heritages; and heritages in the Europeanization era, etc. is the web portal and media of the Association.

As of this time, 64 people have registered to join Hue Cultural Heritage Research and Development Association. Among them, 50 members are in Thua Thien Hue Province, 11 from Ho Chi Minh City, and 3 from Hanoi City. The youngest member is 32 years old, while the oldest one is 89 years old.

On behalf of the provincial leaders, Mr. Phan Ngoc Tho praised the efforts of the Advocacy Committee to establish the Association, and expressed his pleasure as the orientation of the association's activities in 2021 and the coming time is in line with the ongoing activities carried out by the province, including the construction of the capital of cuisine, the capital of the ao dai, and Hue bookcases, etc.

At the same time, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also asked the association to complete the contents of the regulations based on the establishment documents, so as to act properly with the functions and duties of the association, heading towards the common goal of promoting the values of Hue cultural heritages, so that these values ​​can be sublimated and the people of Hue can enjoy them in the best way.

Story and photo: Dong Van

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