ClockTuesday, 28/06/2022 15:39

"Hue - Saigon - Hanoi" through Trinh Cong Son's music

TTH.VN - "Hue - Saigon - Hanoi" was the theme of Trinh Cong Son's music night taking place on the evening of June 27 at Ngo Mon Square. This was one of the highly anticipated programs at Hue Festival 2022 and was also a music night to celebrate the 21st anniversary of remembering Trinh Cong Son, organized by the family of the late musician.

Trinh Cong Son’s music and Hue FestivalThe film crew "Em va Trinh" interacts with audience in Hue

The music night attracted thousands of spectators

Attending the program were Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Phan Ngoc Tho and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee of Hue Festival 2022, Nguyen Thanh Binh.

The program was the musical story of Trinh Cong Son, taking the audience through the emotions for the homeland, love, and aspiration, expressed through the performances of many generations of artists and singers, such as Cam Van, Duc Tuan, Ha Le, Tan Son, the saxophonist An Tran, the dance group Lyricists with Alex Tu Nguyen, Cece Truong, Bao Tran, with the participation of actors in the movie "Em va Trinh".

Audiences can enjoy Trinh's peace-loving music through the songs: Hue - Saigon - Hanoi, Chờ nhìn quê hương sáng chói, Cánh đồng hòa bình or the songs showing the emotions of love, human identity, such as: Để gió cuốn đi, Ru em từng ngón xuân nồng, Quỳnh hương, Em còn nhớ hay em đã quên, Còn tuổi nào cho em, Phúc âm buồn, Xin cho tôi...

The musician Trinh Cong Son passed away 21 years ago, and it has been a long enough period for a new generation to be born, grow up and mature. The program shows the continuation of the music of Trinh Cong Son through the experiences of young artists, such as: Alex Tu, Ha Le...

Participating in the program, the film crew "Em va Trinh" interacted with the audience in Hue. The audience also enjoyed the singing of the actors in the film, such as: Bui Lan Huong, Elite Artist Tran Luc, Alvin Lu, Akari...

Speaking at the program, Trinh Vinh Trinh, singer, the representative of the late musician's family, shared: "Hue is the land of longstanding cultural traditions which gave my brother his roots and wings, nurturing him to become one of the influential musicians in Vietnam. Our family is very touched knowing that Hue always has a special love for my brother. Because of that, our family wishes to bring this music night to Hue within the framework of Hue Festival 2022."

Photos at the concert night captured by Thua Thien Hue Online:

Trinh Vinh Trinh speaking at the concert

Three generations of singers Cam Van - Ha Le - Bao Tran representing artists from three regions to perform the song "Hue - Saigon - Hanoi"

The experiment of renewing Trinh's music with chamber vocals, Broadway musicals and jazz music by Duc Tuan

Trinh Cong Son's music is always carried on by the younger generation of artists

The film crew "Em va Trinh" interacting with the audience

Elite Artist Tran Luc with the song "Huyền thoại mẹ"

The audience enjoying the performance of the singer Bui Lan Huong

Hue audiences always have special affection for the talented musician of this homeland

By Minh Hien

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