ClockFriday, 06/01/2023 17:47

Dozens of people registered to donate organs

TTH.VN - On January 4, the “Xuan Hong” (“Red Spring”) blood donation and organ donation registration festival was co-organized by the Hue Regional Blood Transfusion Center, the Medical Training Center, the Human Organ Transplantation center, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Hue Central Hospital, the Provincial Red Cross, the Blood Bank Club of the Ancient Capital, and the Blood Bank Club of Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

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Young people donating blood to save lives

The activity attracted hundreds of participants, including many young people.

Thua Thien Hue has maintained the organization of the “Xuan Hong” festival in the New Year occasion, which has become an annual blood donation event. The festival has attracted thousands of participants, with more than 6,000 people registered to donate blood and more than 5,000 units of blood have been collected.

According to Dr. Hoang Thi Lan Huong, Deputy Director of Hue Central Hospital, every week, Hue Regional Blood Transfusion Center of the hospital needs from 800 to 1,000 units of blood, so as to meet the needs of emergency and treatment. Therefore, the “Xuan Hong” festival helps to overcome the shortage of blood before, during and after the Lunar New Year. This has contributed to changing the awareness of officials and people about voluntary blood donation, as well as timely replenishing the blood reserves, contributing to saving hundreds of patients' lives.

About 30 people registered to donate organs at the program

Especially, on the occasion of this festival, Hue Central Hospital has also launched the registration of organ donation.

According to the list reported on the day, 30 people registered to donate organs.

On this occasion, the Board of Directors of Hue Central Hospital also gave 20 presents to 20 patients with severe illness being treated at the hospital.


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