ClockSaturday, 01/10/2022 10:12

Hue Imperial Citadel in the rain

TTH.VN - Those who have visited Hue without experiencing the Hue rain are considered to be missing out on the full Hue experience. Autumn in Hue not only has dreamy light golden sun rays but also has sudden torrential rains with a poetic translucent silver color.

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Some say that the rain in Hue Imperial Citadel is very melancholy, but if you slow down to listen to the sound of raindrops gently falling on the dragon and phoenix on the yin and yang roof tiles on the palaces in the Citadel; if you let the raindrops touch your fingertips as you admire Ta Truong Du, Dien Tho palace, Thieu Phuong garden, etc., in the Imperial Citadel on rainy days, you will see a nostalgic and poetic Hue Imperial Citadel.

Hue News would like to introduce to you a poetic photo reportage of the romantic Imperial Citadel in the rain by Trung Phan:

Listen to the sound of the rain and feel the music that each raindrop brings

Listen to the sound of the rain and feel the music that each raindrop brings

The space is a poetic scenery, bringing in a feeling of gentleness to visitors

The space is a poetic scenery, bringing in a feeling of gentleness to visitors

Through each door frame, we see a silver coat of rain

Through each door frame, we see a silver coat of rain

A young couple in traditional clothes taking wedding photos in the rain in the Imperial Citadel

A young couple in traditional clothes taking wedding photos in the rain in the Imperial Citadel

Beautiful view of the rain from Dien Tho Palace

Beautiful view of the rain from Dien Tho Palace

A tourist from Ho Chi Minh City to the Imperial Citadel experiences the rain of Hue

A tourist from Ho Chi Minh City to the Imperial Citadel experiences the rain of Hue

Romantic scenery in Ta Truong Du

Romantic scenery in Ta Truong Du

The beautiful Truong Sanh Palace after the rain

The beautiful Truong Sanh Palace after the rain

A couple in Hanoi chooses the backdrop of the Imperial Citadel in the rain to take their wedding photos

A couple in Hanoi chooses the backdrop of the Imperial Citadel in the rain to take their wedding photos

Thieu Phuong Garden and the young couple

Thieu Phuong Garden and the young couple

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Royal physician in the land of Hue

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Royal physician in the land of Hue
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Leveraging cinema to boost tourism in Hue
“There is nothing happier than sublimating into performances in the setting of Hue City”

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“There is nothing happier than sublimating into performances in the setting of Hue City”
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