ClockMonday, 07/11/2022 11:18

The colors of Ru Cha

TTH.VN - Located downstream of the Perfume River, Ru Cha is a rare primeval mangrove forest that exists in Tam Giang lagoon. The forest belongs to Thuan Hoa village (Huong Phong commune), about 15km from the center of Hue city. The scenery here is like a picture of pristine, fresh and gentle nature, attracting all eyes.

Ru Cha in late autumnRu Cha turned into Central Coast’s largest concentrated mangrove forestThe strange Ru Cha in the season of falling leaves

Responding to the art photo and video clip contest named “Ru Cha, Con Te - Colors of the River” organized by Hue City People's Committee, Thua Thien Hue Weekly would like to introduce some beautiful photos of a team of collaborators about this particular destination.

Enchanting beauty

Attracting young people to explore

Not only being a relaxing destination, Ru Cha also imprints the rhythm of life of people in the region

By Thua Thien Hue Weekly

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Brilliant colors of flamboyant flowers in the summer

Hue puts on the most brilliant red shirt of flamboyant flowers in late June and early July. The roads, street corners, and rice fields are all adorned with the fiery colors of flamboyant flowers. That red color gives Hue a brilliant and captivating beauty.

Brilliant colors of flamboyant flowers in the summer
Eye-catching paragliding performances on Tam Giang Lagoon

During the two days of June 8 - 9, impressive and unique paragliding performances took place in the sky above Tam Giang Lagoon and Quang Cong, Quang Ngan beaches (Quang Dien District), creating a sense of novelty and excitement for locals and visitors.

Eye-catching paragliding performances on Tam Giang Lagoon
"Song nuoc Tam Giang" Festival 2024:
Promoting culture and unique lagoon tourism

From June 8th to 10th, Quang Dien District will host the Song nuoc Tam Giang (Tam Giang Water Wave) Festival as part of the activities celebrating Hue Festival 2024. The festival will feature a variety of unique cultural, artistic, and sports activities, deeply reflecting the riverine culture of the region surrounding the Tam Giang lagoon.

Promoting culture and unique lagoon tourism
Paragliding performances due to be held at “Song nuoc Tam Giang” Festival

On May 27, Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Quang Dien District, Head of the Organizing Committee of the “Song nuoc Tam Giang” Festival (“Tam Giang Waves” Festival) 2024, said that the locality would organize paragliding performances for the first time on Tam Giang Lagoon, and local beaches to serve the locals and visitors.

Paragliding performances due to be held at “Song nuoc Tam Giang” Festival
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