Pho Trach rush village in harvest season
24/04/2024 09:57
From a type of wild grass growing in waterlogged lowlands, the people of Pho Trach village have turned rush into hundreds of thousands of practical, beautiful and environmentally friendly handicrafts.
Smooth green Bang grass
09/04/2024 09:19
Amidst the scorching hot in April, Bao Chau’s photos, which recorded the scene of Pho Trach villagers (Phong Binh, Phong Dien) harvesting Bang grass (Lepironia articulata) in the green field, like gentle gifts for all eyes. Under Chau's photo angles, Pho Trach is rich and peaceful in every hand movement, the smiles of the villagers in each step, from harvesting Bang grass in the field, drying, preliminary processing the grass, to making it into valuable handicrafts.
Pho Trach rush village in harvest season
From a type of wild grass growing in waterlogged lowlands, the people of Pho Trach village have turned rush into hundreds of thousands of practical, beautiful and environmentally friendly handicrafts.