ClockMonday, 09/05/2022 17:46

Come to A Luoi to listen to khèn, enjoy the mountains and relax

TTH.VN - Recently, A Luoi has emerged as an eco-tourism and resort destination chosen by tourists because of its fresh air, green trees, and overlapping mountains. The locals are hospitable, sincere and honest, so they make guests feel contented. Therefore, tours to experience streams and waterfalls, festivals, life and activities of A Luoi people are being put into operation by travel agencies, promising to be the highlight of this summer.

The memorable colors of flowers in the highlands of A LuoiA Luoi district turns the highland fair into a unique tourism productOpening tent floors to serve tourist accommodation in A Luoi

To contribute to spreading and promoting the development of A Luoi tourism, Thua Thien Hue Weekly would like to introduce some photos of the nature, the mountains and the lives of A Luoi people taken by Truong Vung and Hoang Hai, our collaborators, in order to give readers more options for their weekend holidays.

The melodious tunes of khèn (pan-pipes) captivate people's hearts

The activities of A Luoi people are also products that attract tourists

Check-in A Luoi mountains and forests

By Thua Thien Hue Weekly

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