ClockMonday, 24/10/2022 07:55

High expectations from the charter flights

TTH.VN - After the Bangkok - Hue - Bangkok charter flight, Thua Thien Hue plans to open charter and commercial routes connecting Hue ancient capital with some ancient capitals in Southeast Asia, such as: Ayutthaya (Thailand) - Luang Prabang (Laos) - Siem Reap (Cambodia)…

Hue famtrip delegation organized connection with Laos and Northeast Thailand marketsThailand famtrip delegation surveys Hue tourismStimulating Thai tourism market to Hue by charter fligthtsHue welcomes the first international famtrip delegation after two-year hiatus due to pandemicRestarting Thai tourism market

Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Binh (3rd from the left) welcoming the Thai delegation arriving on the charter flight on the afternoon of October 21 and then departing for Thailand with the provincial delegation

Strengthening cooperation in trade and tourism promotion with Thailand

After the Provincial People's Committee issued Plan No. 299/KH-UBND to exploit the Thai tourist market to Thua Thien Hue by charter flights, the Department of Tourism coordinated with the Provincial Tourism Association, Thai Vietjet Aviation Joint Stock Company and related agencies to organize the Bangkok - Hue - Bangkok charter flight.

Specifically, the charter flight departed from Bangkok to Hue on October 21 and flew back on the same day and from Bangkok to Hue and back on October 24.

This is an activity to stimulate demand and promote tourism development, attract tourists, especially international tourists, and restore and maintain the Thai tourist market as one of the 10 potential international tourist markets to Thua Thien Hue in the coming time. At the same time, it will support businesses operating in the field of tourism and services to gradually recover and develop.

Led by the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Binh, the provincial delegation is flying on the charter flight Hue - Bangkok - Hue on October 21 and 24. This flight aims to connect diplomatic relations between Thua Thien Hue and Bangkok city; promote and introduce Thua Thien Hue as a safe, friendly and hospitable tourist destination. Especially, the delegation will promote Hue Traditional Craft Festival 2023 organized in the form of a four-season festival to the Bangkok city government, management agencies, tourism associations and travel agencies in Thailand.

According to the schedule, the delegation will have a meeting with representatives of the Bangkok government, the National Administration of Tourism, the Travel Association, the Thai Food & Tourism Association and a number of Thai tourism businesses at the Vietnam Embassy in Bangkok to exchange and discuss on supporting and creating conditions to strengthen cooperation in the fields of trade promotion and tourism between Thua Thien Hue and localities of Thailand.

The provincial delegation will also propose a number of policies to support flight development, promote communication, introduce flight routes, travel programs related to new flight routes on the media, and other activities of Hue Traditional Craft Festival 2023…

In addition, the delegation will propose the Vietnamese Embassy in Thailand to liaise activities to seek business cooperation opportunities, to promote two-way tourism development between Thua Thien Hue and Bangkok city and other destinations of Thailand; to support Thua Thien Hue to organize promotional programs for investment and tourism in Thailand in the coming time.

“Currently, we are promoting the reopening of direct charter flights connecting Thai tourism centers with Thua Thien Hue in order to increase the number of tourists from Thailand to Hue and vice versa. We are aiming towards operating weekly or monthly commercial flights; attracting foreign tourists in Thailand or transiting through Thailand to the central region of Vietnam,”, said Mr. Nguyen Van Phuc - Director of the Department of Tourism.

Places international tourists should come to explore and experience

Welcoming the tourism and media survey team from Thailand at Phu Bai International Airport

From Thailand’s side, from October 21-24, a tourism and media survey team from Thailand (about 30 people) including representatives of the National Administration of Tourism, Thailand Travel Association, Thai Food & Tourism Association and a number of major travel agencies in Thailand also came to Hue at Phu Bai International Airport to survey products, routes and tourist attractions.

Notably, the media team including representatives of a number of newspapers, magazines and tourism television channels of the neighboring country also participated in the survey to connect and support the province's tourism industry in providing information, heritage images, typical tourist destination, new tourism products and cuisine of Thua Thien Hue to the public and tourism business community of Thailand.

During the 4 days and 3 nights, the delegation will visit, survey destinations, experience typical products, services, traditional tourism and some new products in Hue, such as: visiting Hue Imperial Citadel, An Dinh Palace, Emperor Khai Dinh's mausoleum, Thien Mu Pagoda, enjoying local cuisine, admiring the scenery of the Huong River, trying on Vietnamese traditional ao dai, visiting places inside and outside the Hue Imperial Palace by cyclo and electric carts, experiencing the convertible double-decker bus tour, shopping at Dong Ba market, and experiencing health care products at Karawa My An hot spring resort.

In addition, the delegation will attend a business meeting (Business Matching & Gala Dinner) to introduce and promote unique tourist attractions and products of Vietnam such as: "Hue – the Culinary Capital", "Hue - the Ao dai Capital", "Ao Dai Show" to the market in Thailand. This will open up new opportunities for cooperation between Thai travel companies and service and tourism businesses in Thua Thien Hue.

From October 21-24, the Thai delegation will survey and experience many products, services and tourism in Hue

According to Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Binh, the tourism industry, related industries and tourism businesses are determined to carry out activities to connect and reopen the Thai tourist market to Thua Thien Hue through the following programs: welcoming survey teams and tourism media from Thailand, participating in tourism promotion events in Thailand, organizing direct charter flights from Thailand to Thua Thien Hue.

In order to strengthen connections, exchanges, and build cooperative relationships between tourism businesses in the province and leading businesses and travel agencies in Thailand and ASEAN countries, after this flight, the province will continue to call and mobilize domestic and foreign airlines to plan to open charter and commercial routes connecting Hue ancient capital with some ancient capitals in Southeast Asia, such as: Ayutthaya (Thailand) Lan) - Luang Prabang (Laos) - Siem Reap (Cambodia)…

“It is hoped that this charter tour combining survey and media communications and the following trips will form a series of events that are continuously promoted in Thailand, contributing to helping Thua Thien Hue be identified as a scenic destination with unique Vietnamese cuisine that tourists from Thailand as well as Southeast Asia should come to discover and experience,", emphasized Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Binh.

Story and photos: Han Dang

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“There is nothing happier than sublimating into performances in the setting of Hue City”
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