ClockSunday, 14/01/2024 11:27

Hue features in Dong Ba food street at night

TTH.VN - Being a major commercial center of Hue City, Dong Ba market not only attracts customers for bustling trading exchanges during the day, but right in front of the market's lobby, there is also a food street at night, on the famous Tran Hung Dao Street.

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 Mr. Thanh has been selling drinks at night at Dong Ba market for 30 years

At around 6:00 p.m., when stalls in Dong Ba market are closing, the food stalls extending from the front of the market's facade to the front gate of Dong Ba Bus Station open. It can be said that the facade of Dong Ba market is considered the most unique "food paradise" in Hue Ancient Capital at night. Under the brilliant colors of electric lights, there is a whole world of food and drinks, which are popular and rich in the identity of the Ancient Capital.

Visitors travelling to Hue not only to enjoy the scenery and immerse themselves in traditional music forms, such as Hue singing and Hue royal court music, but also to discover and taste the flavors of traditional dishes in the land of Huong River and Mount Ngu. There are many places, as well as many popular spaces to choose what to eat and drink. Among them, visitors can not miss the culinary paradise in front of the Dong Ba market.

It is called "paradise" as there are all kinds of famous Hue specialties here. These delicious rustic dishes are arranged next to each other, which are extremely diverse, such as bun bo (beef noodle soup), com hen - bun hen (mussel rice - mussel noodle); bun thit nuong (grilled pork noodle), bun mam nem (noodle with fermented fish sauce); nem lui (lemongrass pork skewers); banh loc (Vietnamese prawn and pork dumpling), banh uot (steamed rice pancake); oc hut (snails); and many types of Hue sweet soup, etc. Rich flavors, affordable prices; and gentle and affable sellers, etc., are the features that help attract visitors from near and far.

Furthermore, the prices are very cheap, which are affordable from poor workers to wealthy diners. A bowl of bun bo costs only from VND 20,000 to 30,000; a glass of sweet soup or other drinks only costs from VND 10,000. No matter who they are, local or foreign visitors, the sellers still welcome them warmly, with the "equal" prices.

Mr. Kevin Pham, an American overseas Vietnamese, was enjoying a bowl of bun bo at O Tung stall and chatting: "After more than 10 years, I returned to Hue. It is very interesting to eat the spicy and fragrant bun bo. Next time when I have the opportunity to visit Hue, I will keep going to this food street". Ms. Thu Lam, a visitor from Lao Cai, shared: "Thanks to the advice from my acquaintances, my family and I come here to enjoy Hue dishes. The dishes are very diverse and the prices are also very reasonable. I really like banh beo and nem lui of Hue. They are both elegant and rich in flavors."

Both sellers and customers alike are friendly. Among them, many saleswomen wear clothes in Hue purple color. Mr. Thanh, 56 years old, has nearly 30 years of experience selling drinks on a mobile cart. He sells all kinds of drinks, including carrot juice, pumpkin juice, and green bean juice, etc. Mr. Thanh said: "I push the cart to sell drinks from 6 am, and do not get home until late at night. Every late afternoon and night, my cart stands right in front of Dong Ba market. When I'm busy and have a day off, I feel sad, miss my job, and miss my customers." Due to his humorous and delicious drinks, there are always customers going around Mr. Thanh's cart...

The food court in front of Dong Ba market is a “miniature culinary world” of Hue at night, which has become an attractive address attracting visitors from all over. Being crystallized in those dishes and drinks is the delicate and unique culture of Hue. Coming here, visitors will understand more about the daily life, as well as the cultural identity and people of Hue...

Story and photo: Quoc Huu
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