ClockFriday, 11/03/2022 19:12

Hue tourism on the recovery

TTH.VN - Domestic tourists will continue to come to Hue with stable numbers, and the recovery will continue when international visitors come back to the city from March 15.

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Stabilize the domestic market

At the end of the Lunar New Year holiday, many insiders (who work in tourism sector) did not dare to hope for the recovery momentum and showed "doubt" about the "slope" in the number of visitors for the period after Tet. However, this did not happen because, until the end of February, Hue still received about 4,000 visitor arrivals every day, the number of stays is more than 2,000/day; occupancy of rooms in hotels in the center of Hue city is maintained at 40-50%.

Ms. Hoang Dao, Laguna Lang Co Resort, said that the resort had maintained a stable and the number of guests on weekends increased since the Tet holiday. Especially during the past time, the resort welcomed a large number of guests to play golf in combination with staying at the resort, with an average of 150-200 guests/day. Guests mainly come from Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang; and a small part of guests in the province. The cuisine, tourism combined with healthcare and entertainment services associated with sports in the resort are the main factors that our guests choose.

Other resorts still maintain a stable number of visitors. At resorts such as Pilgrimage Village, Alba Thanh Tan Hot Spring, Kawara My An Hot Spring... the capacity at weekends is up to 90%.

At hotels in the city center, room occupancy is around 40 -50%. Various hotels previously closed for legal reasons due to the prolonged epidemic have also begun to announce their reopening.

To maintain this recovery momentum, Hue Travel Association has just organized a Famtrip, surveying new products at Laguna Lang Co Resort. The next plan is to conduct connecting tours to A Luoi, Tam Giang lagoon...

Regarding the out-of-province tour, the association connects with partners in Quang Nam, Da Nang, Quang Binh, and Quang Tri to organize Famtrips; coordinate with Vietnam Community Tourism Association to organize new tours for the adaptation period.

Many cultural activities and festivals are organized, such as the "The Country's Fair". At the beginning of coming March, there will be the running tournament "Hue Jogging - Running together for Health". Destinations, such as Bach Ma Village, HueYes Eco… have also started to welcome guests. Tours inside and outside the province have begun to be sold simultaneously to the market... These changes prove that the recovery movement of Hue tourism is going well.

Many new experiences such as "check-in" at the golf course chosen by guests

Taking the initiative in international tours

After it was announced that Vietnam would re-open international flights, travel companies in the province quickly planned overseas itineraries to sell to the market.

At Vietravel, Hue branch, tours are sold to explore the Maldives, exploring the East and West of the US. At Vietnam Travel Company, Thailand tours are sold with the program Hue - Da Nang - Bangkok - Pattaya. At Hanoi Vietnam Tourism Company, the Hue branch opens to sell Thailand tours; Dubai tours… In addition, many foreign partners have had discussions with businesses in the province to actively plan itineraries to exchange sources of visitors.

Positive news showing that international tourism will recover well is from analytical data from the Google Destination Insights tool, which also indicates that the global demand for Vietnam's aviation and tourism from the beginning of 2022 is growing very high. Those positive signals are the basis for the tourism industry's recovery in the coming time.

Recently, the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism held a press conference to announce the plan to open tourism from March 15. Accordingly, regulations on opening tourism from March 15 are expected to be more flexible.

International travelers arriving by air can choose to submit negative test result by RT-PCR method, valid for 72 hours, or rapid test, valid for 24 hours before departure.

When landing at the airport, guests will not have to be tested but go straight to the registered accommodation and conduct the test there. After having a negative test result, guests will be able to participate in tourism activities, complying with epidemic prevention and control regulations like those for domestic tourists.

For guests arriving by land and sea, rapid testing will be done at the border gate before entering Vietnam. Tourists are required to install epidemic prevention and control applications as prescribed and maintain a constant connection during their travel in Vietnam.

This creates favorable conditions for cruise lines to return to Hue soon. In addition, guests are required to have medical or travel insurance that covers COVID-19 treatment with a minimum liability of $10,000.

According to the Department of Tourism leader, the latest information from the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, from March 15, all tourism activities will be opened, so, international visitors do not need to follow the tour but can choose their own forms of travelling. Therefore, localities will have the same opportunity to welcome guests.

Story and photos: Duc Quang


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