ClockFriday, 15/03/2024 16:43

Preparing the best conditions to put Hue - Da Nang tourist railway route into operation

TTH.VN - On March 14, the Provincial People's Committee held a working session with a working group from Vietnam Railway Corporation on the preparation to put the Hue - Da Nang railway route into operation.

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 At the working session

According to Mr. Tran Anh Tuan, Deputy General Director of the Vietnam Railway Corporation, the Vietnam Railway Corporation is currently focusing on renovating the interior and investing in equipment on the train carriages; as well as arranging a part of the train waiting halls at Hue railway station and Da Nang railway station, and coordinating with transport companies to invest and upgrade into high-quality train waiting halls so as to diversify and renew the passenger transportation services; meeting the needs of visitors, international visitors and other travelers.

According to the plan proposed by the railway sector, the Vietnam Railway Corporation will organize two daily tourist trains between Hue railway station and Da Nang railway station and vice versa, in the form of transport business combined with exploitation of tourism services.

These trains are directly managed and operated by Hanoi Railway Transport Joint Stock Company to exploit transport business, and at the same time collaborate with local tourism and travel businesses to exploit tourism services.

Each train has seven carriages, including one public service carriage for power generation, five AL carriages with 56 seats, and one carriage B for service activities. Expected ticket price is at 150,000 VND per ticket. The train applies a monthly ticket price of 900,000 VND per ticket, and discounts for policy beneficiaries... The train is expected to launch on March 26, 2024 for both directions from Hue to Da Nang and vice versa.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Hai Minh highly evaluated the active preparation work of the railway sector, ensuring the train would be put into operation according to the proposed plan. He also required relevant units of the province to coordinate closely with the Vietnam Railway Corporation to prepare the best conditions for the operation so as to ensure that the passenger transport services on the Hue - Da Nang railway route must be different in the direction of train service with route experience, and tourism services on the route and on the train, as well as travel services between the two destinations of Hue and Da Nang, as well as Lang Co tourist destination. Besides, it contributes to ensuring traffic connection of the locals between Hue City and Da Nang City.

By Ngoc Minh
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