ClockWednesday, 01/06/2022 11:24

Vietnam - China to further strengthen the cooperation relationship

TTH.VN - On May 31, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Phuong had a courtesy meeting with Ms. Dong Bich Du, Consul General of the People's Republic of China to Da Nang city.

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At the meeting, Ms. Dong Bich Du said that over the past time, the relationship between the two countries China and Vietnam continued to maintain and well develop.

The Consul General of the People's Republic of China to Da Nang also noted the provincial leaders’ interest and support for Chinese investors over the past time.

Chairman Nguyen Van Phuong gave brief information and overview of the province's socio-economic situation. Mr. Phuong highly appreciated Chinese businesses and investors operating in the province, contributing to creating jobs for thousands of workers and to the local budget. At the same time, it is committed to creating all conditions for investors from China to explore and invest as well as develop production and business activities in the province.

The Chairman hoped that, as the Consul General of the People's Republic of China to Da Nang, Ms. Dong Bich Du would pay attention, support and act as a bridge to further promote the cooperation relationship between Vietnam - China in general and between Thua Thien Hue province and other localities of China in particular in the coming time; thereby, contributing to promoting the promotion and introduction of the province's culture and socio-economic development potential to many Chinese investors.

By L.Tho


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