Cherishing the dedication towards Hue’s cultural heritage, Thua Thien Hue Online would like to introduce to you a series of photos taken by photographer Nguyen Phuc Bao Minh – one of the delegation’s members taking a mission to France recently. During a more than 20-day trip, the delegation collected nearly 60 sets of documents with around 8.000 written pages and over 1.200 documentary photos. Besides that, Mr. Nguyen Phuc Bao Minh also donated to Hue Monuments Conservation Center nearly 100 old videos, nearly 1.500 books, and 11.000 valuable photos of lost structures, including Can Chanh Palace, Can Thanh Cung, Dai Cung Mon, etc. from his private collections.

 Ms. Isabelle Poujol (on the left) – Director of the Photo Library and Communication of the École Française d'Extrême-Orient introducing the source of photos at the cold storage
 Hue Monuments Conservation Center’s officers accessing the historical documents related to the Nguyen Dynasty stored in France
 Hue Monuments Conservation Center’s officers accessing the historical documents related to the Nguyen Dynasty stored in France
 An old document about Quoc Hoc Hue High school with hidden patterns on the paper
By Thua Thien Hue Online