The brand identity of Hue tourism

This logo has a scalar - open circular shape, which is both lively and formal, ensuring versatility in usage. At the same time, it creates a form of expression that is both solid and soft.

The main image of the logo is built on a combination of familiar images of Hue, including a corner of Five-Phoenix Pavilion (Lau Ngu Phung), Truong Tien bridge, the shape of the rising sun, the curving of the Perfume River.

All are exquisitely stylized, highly symbolic and integrated to create a new iconic group that is modern in style and represents cultural-historical values, heritage values and the natural landscape of Thua Thien Hue Tourism.

The slogan "Hue - ancient capital, new experience" affirms a difference, a competitive advantage between Hue tourism and other regions’ one. Besides the ancient palaces, Hue is still a new and attractive destination for tourists to experience. Going to Hue and discovering Hue at present is to understand the past and to look forward to the future.

The brand identity of tourism confirms the position of Hue tourism industry in recent times. At the same time, it contributes to promoting the development of the spearhead economic sector.

By Duc Quang