ClockSunday, 16/06/2019 14:46

Hue developing fast on the foundation of knowledge and culture

TTH.VN - Innovation - Startup - Technology Forum, a part of the "Hue - innovation for development" program hosted by the Provincial Development Research Institute in collaboration with Hue Industrial College, Young Entrepreneurs' Association and Hue Startup Club took place on June 15.

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Attending the meeting were Provincial Party Secretary Le Truong Luu; Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Phan Ngoc Tho. In addition, there were representatives of ministries, branches, hundreds of experts, speakers, businesses.

Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Phan Ngoc Tho speaking at the forum

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Chairman Phan Ngoc Tho affirmed that this event kicked off the program to promote development, and was considered a boost in the development strategy for Hue to become an innovative and technological city in the future. This is also a motivation for Hue to focus on knowledge and culture as a foundation for development.

The aim is creating conditions for businesses, researchers and start-up companies as well as management agencies to have opportunities to exchange, research and develop policies on technological development for Thua Thien Hue in general, development policies on information technology and tourism industry in particular.

“Hue is changing and truly innovating from awareness to action. I wish Hue to develop quickly on the foundation of knowledge and to develop sustainably on the foundation of culture,” Mr. Tho emphasized.

Immediately after the opening ceremony, the delegates exchanged views on the topic "Policy for developing an innovative and technological city" and "Technology trend".

Ideas and actions

At the Forum "Policy for developing an innovative and technological city", the strengths, limitations, shortcomings and specific solutions to build Hue were frankly shared among experts and speakers.

Mr. Lam Vinh Giang, CEO of RDA Vietnam shared: Boston (USA) was a small city but with great thinking, they built Boston into the world's leading city in education - technology. Hue can take Boston as an example, focusing on the strengths to create products for the world.

Currently, Hue has good supports for start-up enterprises. However, the thinking of Hue start-up enterprises is not equal to those in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. Therefore, the province needs to have policies to support them with training programs to encourage innovation.

Economic expert Nguyen Tri Dung poses a problem of leadership thinking. “We compliment Hue food or Hue beautiful sceneries, but why are there not many tourists coming to Hue? How can we turn Hue into an attractive destination for foreign tourists? For a long time, Hue talked a lot about development strategies but if Hue people, young people and businesses do not accompany development, they will not be carried out. Therefore, what we need most is the determination of leaders and businesses,” Mr. Dung frankly said.

Provincial Party Secretary Le Truong Luu and delegates attending the forum

According to Professor Vong, who is teaching at an Australian university, when he returned to work with Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, he was surprised to know that Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry had a study on organic solutions, "but they are very cautious when sharing about their research”. If Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry makes the organic solution used for hydroponics, not only Vietnam but the whole world will welcome the product, because this is an urgent requirement of agriculture.

"Hue's agriculture is still a very important industry. Although we do not expect Hue to be the center of producing solar electricity or supplying tons of tomatoes to the world, Hue may have the technology. In the short term, how can Hue produce organic solutions and supply to America, Australia and Europe.

According to Prof. Vong, Hue should invest in what is already available. Here, in addition to the model of garden houses that need to be invested in, Hue can also grow gac (Momordica cochinchinensis) as raw materials for supplements production - the largest market in the world agriculture today. "Vietnam is now the best place to farm gac and Hue can do this."

The representative of Ben Xuan theater wanted Hue to develop tourism in association with the river, and protect and preserve it. Therefore, the “Huong river beautification” and “Hue – flowers blooming all four seasons” projects need more specific support from the province.

Towards sustainable development

At the meeting, many speakers, experts, representatives of Hue University and Industrial College contributed their ideas and suggestions with the desire to develop Hue – an innovative and technological city.

Mr. Tran Gia Thong, a foreign language training specialist, is ready to bring his English community to help Hue develop the English learning movement to different people at different social classes.

Economic expert Nguyen Tri Dung suggested that Hue should immediately build Hue Development Fund contributed by Hue people and businesses. "Hue has nearly 6,000 businesses, if each business contributes 1,000 USD, then we have 6 million USD immediately. With resources, the province must take specific actions to retain talents and bring talented people back to Hue”.

The speakers presenting at the forum

Closing the ceremony, Chairman Phan Ngoc Tho said that Hue has 4 strengths: knowledge, cultural heritage tradition, natural landscape and cultural heritage. Based on these strengths, Hue will have specific policies in education and training, in the development of innovation and economic development. The suggestions and comments will be noted. The unresolved issues and limitations will continue to be addressed. In the near future, the province will deploy a conference on Hue education reform, on agricultural development and information technology.

"Hue’s dream is not too far away. It will become real if we change our thinking, actions from each individual, from leadership to people, businesses and especially the companionship, support and precious experiences of experts. Hopefully, Hue’s dream will come true in the coming time,” Mr. Tho said.

Story and photos: Minh Thanh

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