ClockSaturday, 01/07/2023 13:47

Investing over 1,000 billion VND in building a bridge over Tam Giang Lagoon

TTH.VN - It is the Construction Project of the Bridge over Tam Giang Lagoon, which connects Phu Da Town to Vinh Xuan Commune, with an estimated total investment of more than 1,000 billion VND. Construction is expected to begin in 2024 and to be completed within 4 years.

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On the afternoon of June 29th, within the framework of the 12th thematic session of the Provincial People’s Council, 2021-2026 term, the investment policy for this project was approved.

 Delegates voting through the investment policy

Currently, the transport system connects Hue City and Phu Da Town to coastal communes through two directions of traffic routes, including that of Provincial Road 10D - Provincial Road 18 (through Truong Ha Bridge) and another of Provincial Road 10A - National Highway 49A (through Thuan An Bridge).

The roadbed of such traffic routes are currently old and narrow, and pass through densely populated areas, making it difficult for people to travel. The traffic connection on both the East and West banks of Tam Giang Lagoon in the district is not convenient, and people can only travel through Truong Ha Bridge in the meantime, which affects socio-economic development in the region, especially the development of sea and lagoon tourism. Particularly, local people in coastal communes such as Vinh Xuan, Phu Dien, etc., have to travel 15 km to get to the District People's Committee. Meanwhile, they would have to travel only about 3 km if they could ‘cross’ Tam Giang Lagoon.

Therefore, the investment in building a bridge over Tam Giang Lagoon, which connects Phu Da Town to Vinh Xuan Commune (Phu Vang District), proves to be very necessary for promoting socio-economic and tourism development of Phu Vang District in general, and the coastal and lagoon communes of the district in particular. At the same time, it will shorten the operation time, meet the transportation demand in the region. The investment in building a bridge over Tam Giang Lagoon connecting Phu Da Town Vinh Vinh Xuan Commune (Phu Vang District) is in line with the Provincial Transport Development Plan to 2020, with orientation to 2030, approved by the Provincial People's Council according to the Resolution No. 113/NQ-HDND dated October 26th, 2022.

The length of the whole route is about 3km, including the bridge over Tam Giang Lagoon, which is about 1.4km long, and the path leading to the two bridge ends, which is about 1.6km long. The total investment is expected to be more than 1,000 billion VND from the provincial budget. The project implementation period is 4 years from the date of commencement; and construction is expected to begin in 2024.

According to the proposal of the Provincial People’s Committee, this project will contribute to completing the main traffic network in the area according to the approved planning, improving the capacity of navigation, preventing congestion and reducing the traffic load for each route; thereby, step by step completing the road network, creating a driving force for socio-economic development of Phu Vang District and the development of the province as a whole, stimulating socio-economic development, service tourism and improvement of people’s living standards, forming and developing satellite towns and new urban areas, effectively exploiting the planned land funds on both sides of the project route, creating more revenue for the State budget.

Regarding the ability to raise capital, the Provincial People’s Committee will direct the Department of Planning and Investment and the Department of Finance to estimate and allocate part of the medium-term public investment plan for the period 2021-2025 for this project from the source of other projects whose capital is not used up, those that cannot be deployed in the period of 2021-2025, or the source of revenue which exceeds the provincial budget in 2023 and subsequent years to ensure sufficient capital to start the project in 2024. The remaining capital of the project will be transferred to the medium-term plan for the next phase.

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Eye-catching paragliding performances on Tam Giang Lagoon

During the two days of June 8 - 9, impressive and unique paragliding performances took place in the sky above Tam Giang Lagoon and Quang Cong, Quang Ngan beaches (Quang Dien District), creating a sense of novelty and excitement for locals and visitors.

Eye-catching paragliding performances on Tam Giang Lagoon
"Song nuoc Tam Giang" Festival 2024:
Promoting culture and unique lagoon tourism

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Promoting culture and unique lagoon tourism
Paragliding performances due to be held at “Song nuoc Tam Giang” Festival

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Paragliding performances due to be held at “Song nuoc Tam Giang” Festival
A cultural exchange bridge

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A cultural exchange bridge
Being at the construction site of the bridge over the Huong River on Nguyen Hoang Street

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Being at the construction site of the bridge over the Huong River on Nguyen Hoang Street
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