ClockFriday, 16/04/2021 22:18

VNPT Hue strives to pioneer digital infrastructure construction

TTH.VN - With a pioneer’s aspiration, alongside the province in the process of building the digital government, digital economy and digital society, Director of the provincial VNPT Nguyen Nhat Quang shared the strategy of the unit with Thua Thien Hue Weekly Newspaper.

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Director of the provincial VNPT Nguyen Nhat Quang

The Government launched the digital transformation. Then what are the targets of dynamic and important technology enterprises such as VNPT, sir?

Not long ago, the concepts of Digital Transformation (DT), Industrial Revolution 4.0, earlier like e-government ... were quite unfamiliar. However, for the past two years, the people have started to do their banking on their smartphones.

During the digital transformation in Vietnam, VNPT plays a pioneering role and becomes the standard-bearer. The VNPT brand in the eyes of the community is not only a telecommunications service provider but also a digital service provider with modern technology utilities to serve the people.

Subsequent to the success of the National Document Interconnection Axis with 1.7 million electronic documents sent and received among administrative agencies, VNPT was assigned by the Government to build the National Public Service Portal, the information system reporting to the Government and the Intelligent Operations Center (IOC) of the Government and the Prime Minister. Most recently, the National Database System on Population has been finalized by VNPT and its partners.

The success of the software systems building e-Government affirmed the capacity for technology mastery, the pioneering role of VNPT in the national DT and the roadmap to build a digital Vietnam.

Nationally, VNPT's achievements in DT are shown in salient numbers: VNPT's e-Government Solution Suite present in 55 provinces and cities; VNPT-iOffice software nationwide rising by 59% of the number of provincial agencies; Intelligent Operations Center (IOC) present in 28 key provinces; Nearly 55% of health facilities nationwide using VNPT-HIS (the overall hospital management solution, helping to optimize the medical examination and treatment process, to save time, and to save medical human resources); 50 provinces and cities using smart tourism solutions...

VNPT concentrates all resources on building an ecosystem of digital solutions, promotes cooperation to research new technology fields including Al, Blockchain, IoT, Cyber ​​Security... In the near future, VNPT's strategic orientation is both developing industry and investing in research to master new technologies for digital infrastructure and develop applications on that platform.

In Thua Thien Hue, what were VNPT’s achievements in the infrastructure development and digital transformation?

Previously, VNPT Thua Thien Hue (formerly the Provincial Post Office) along with the province underwent the two "revolutions": "Digitalization Revolution" - Universalizing fixed phones, mobile phones - contributed to making Thua Thien Hue one of the first localities to meet the criteria of 100% of the communes having phones and “Universalization Revolution of the Internet and Internet television". Notably, VNPT was the unit supporting the province in transmitting television signals to A Luoi.

Over the past time, the provincial VNPT invested in providing the synchronous broadband telecom network infrastructure in both fields: Optical cable network infrastructure to the people’s houses and mobile network infrastructure with 3G, 4G technology and the upcoming 5G, meeting the needs of agencies, enterprises, industrial parks, residential areas...Coordination for the successful implementation of the dedicated data transmission network connecting governmental agencies and the concentrated Internet. Notably, VNPT provided services for more than 300 points, built online conferencing system and put telecom cables underground on many routes at the request of the Provincial People's Committee.

Aside from its key role in providing infrastructure for DT, VNPT now has the DT ecology for the authorities, enterprises and residents with a full system of Document Interconnection Axis, Eoffice, Ecabinet, online public service to report to departments…

We also provided many IT solutions for the specialized group: VNPT-HIS software to manage hospitals and clinics in 83 health facilities across the province; the program of online teaching and learning support for nearly 300 smart schools and classrooms at 8 schools in the province; the solution of managing the collection and payment of fees at schools in order to promote non-cash payment.

For enterprises, VNPT INVOICE e-invoice service is currently used by over 1,000 customers; more than 3,500 digital certificates - VNPT CA - are provided for enterprises. Notably, VNPT is developing Mobile money - the trend of mobile payment without needing a bank account and developing products and services to serve the society.

What advantages do we enjoy against other localities?

In terms of infrastructure development, in fact, there are no overwhelming advantages if not more disadvantages than other localities. Thua Thien Hue has a narrow, small, and unevenly dispersed topography, so the investment costs for digital infrastructure development are more expensive than the localities with favorable terrain and high population density.

Additionally, the people's low income also restricts the market development. Hue is also a tourist city requiring high aesthetics in the context of limited costs, unchanged revenue, which forces the enterprise to spend more on tidying and beautifying in the course of the digital service infrastructure development.

For the DT process, the biggest advantage is the provincial leaders’ attention to DT. Hue is among the top provinces and cities nationwide applying IT, so the governmental attention to DT will facilitate the enterprise. By contrast, the challenge is competition, access. VNPT competes not only against telecom enterprises but also against other digital service enterprises.

Currently, the provinces and cities nationwide are also investing heavily in the government's DT platform and the operating tools. For Thua Thien Hue, a province with the modest budget revenue, we determine another way. That is to fulfill the requirements by the government, the people at the lowest cost.

This is not a bed of roses. However, as a major telecom - IT enterprise in the province, VNPT will endeavor to take the lead in digital infrastructure construction. It is willing to support all the governmental levels and enterprises in the province in the DT process with an eye to effectively contributing to the provincial development, promoting the national socio-economic development.

Thank you


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