ClockSunday, 06/03/2022 21:15

Art creation activity launched at College of Arts, Hue University

TTH.VN - On the morning of March 6, College of Arts, Hue University organized an art creation activity in 2022.

Free entrance ticket to Hue relics for female visitors wearing ao dai on the occasion of March 8“Thank you Eva”

The program aims to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the College of Arts, Hue University (1957 - 2022), and the 112th anniversary of International Women's Day (March 8, 1910 - March 8, 2022).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Van Chuong, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of Hue University Council (third, right) receiving the gift from the art creation activity sent to the "common home" of Hue University

With a total of 53 artists from in and out of the College, the activity will feature 34 acrylic paintings, two installation works, and one sculpture work.

The art creation activity in 2022 not only creates the environment for exchange, learning and sharing professional experiences, but also brings the opportunity to introduce and promote the College’s images to the art-loving public. Since then, visual works would be added to the source material for propaganda and education, building aesthetic and traditional values ​​for the College, towards building and developing the activity on creating artworks into an annual activity.

By Mai Hue

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