ClockSaturday, 18/09/2021 09:46

Artist Phan Hai Bang’s talk on Truc chi art

TTH.VN - A cultural activity that promises to draw much public attention is the talk on "The journey of Truc chi and the inner child" by artist Phan Hai Bang, held by the non-profit organization TEDxBUV online TODAY, on September 19th.

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Artist Phan Hai Bang

Phan Hai Bang, known as the creator of Truc chi art, will share with the public his journey of discovering and developing Truc Chi art starting in the 2000s with his burning question from the inner child deep inside him - "Why not try creating a new type of paper to draw paintings?”

Truc chi is a new art of paper-making in Vietnam, based on the traditional paper-making craft to breathe a new life into the paper material, giving it the ability to rise as an independent artwork instead of a merely conventional background.

The inner child inside Phan Hai Bang has constantly urged him to explore over the last 20 years. Each question arising has motivated Phan Hai Bang to unlock another  potential for Truc chi while challenging the usual stereotypes about paper.

For more information about the talk, register online via the TEDxBUV Facebook fanpage.

By Minh Hien


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