ClockWednesday, 13/03/2024 16:05

Honoring “Greatest Teacher” Le Van Mien

TTH.VN - On the morning of March 11th, at Duy Tan Hotel, a seminar was held to commemorate the 150th birthday anniversary of Mr.Le Van Mien - a cultural figure and an artist. The seminar was organized by Thua Thien Hue Union of Literature and Arts Associations and Thua Thien Hue Fine Arts Association.

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Seminar commemorating the 150th birthday anniversary of the cultural figure and artist Le Van Mien 

At the seminar, various presentations were given, including “Le Van Mien - Character and Talent,” “Le Van Mien, the Greatest Teacher (1874 - 1943),” “Contributions to the Study of Cultural Figure Le Van Mien (1874 - 1943),” and discussions on his rare portrait works in the context of Vietnamese painting, introduced by the authors Nguyen Khac Phe, Nguyen Khoa Dieu Ha, Tran Viet Ngac, Do Xuan Phu...

All presentations aimed to clarify various aspects of the life and activities of the "Greatest Teacher" Le Van Mien, shedding light on his contributions to the fields of painting, education, and patriotic tradition, whereby, the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue province and relevant central government departments can properly correspond to the stature and contributions of the cultural figure and artist Le Van Mien.

This is the first time Hue organized a seminar on the great cultural figure and artist Le Van Mien, as part of activities commemorating his 150th birthday.

By Pham Phuoc Chau
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Rocks telling stories

By listening to the miraculous sounds of rocks, the young artist Nguyen Van Tien has allowed rocks to narrate stories of memories. Through his vibrant and delicate brushstrokes, the rocks have become conveyers of beautiful memories and memorable moments for many people.

Rocks telling stories
Admiring heritage through “Vong Hue”

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Admiring heritage through “Vong Hue”
Sharing experiences in management and operation for businesses

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Sharing experiences in management and operation for businesses
Book Launch: “Tran Hoan - A talented cultural figure, artist, and distinguished soldier"

On the morning of December 20th, the book launch event of “Tran Hoan - A talented cultural figure, artist, and distinguished soldier” was organized by Thuan Hoa Publishing House. The book, co-produced by Thuan Hoa Publishing House and the musician’s family, is published to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Tran Hoan's passing over and to commemorate the 95th anniversary of his birth.

Book Launch “Tran Hoan - A talented cultural figure, artist, and distinguished soldier
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