ClockSunday, 25/02/2018 10:45

Hue and its feature on an urban area of higher education

TTH.VN - Hue University had the honor to be selected by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to visit and work on his New Year 2018 business trip. The head of the Government affirmed that a high caliber urban area of higher education in Hue will soon be invested with a full set of institutions.

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The urban area of higher education can be defined as a master planned urban area with its full technical infrastructure and social infrastructure. There are works for the education and research purposes, and services offered in combination between the government and the society. They are operated all around the institutions within Hue University system.

Hue is one of the five cities that have developed the model of a university village. The university village in Truong Bia – founded 20 years ago – can be seen as a prime version of the city of university. For several reasons, the university village in Hue has been unfinished.

It was the great concern that urged the Prime Minister to command the development of a city of Hue university in Truong Bia. The Prime Minister asked the Chair of Thua Thien Hue People’s Committee to be proactive and supportive in land clearance. He also assigned relevant ministries and agencies to mobilize sources to raise USD 100 million from ODA for a complete urban area for Hue University.

Founded in 1957, Hue University is the oldest higher education institution in the Central region and Central Highlands of Vietnam. After 60 years of development with several changes in names and organizational structures, Hue University still retains its role as an institution that provides multi-disciplinary training programs of top quality.

Hue University currently has 47,000 full time students and 3,878 lecturers and employees, among whom there are approximately 250 lecturers honored titled professors and associate professors. In this respect, Hue University is nationally second-ranked, just behind The National University, Ho Chi Minh City.

The reputation of Hue University has also been manifested in its statistics. Hue University has eight affiliated institutions, two faculties, one campus in Quang Tri, two research institutes, seven centers, and a publisher. It offers 119 undergraduate courses, 81 fields of studies leading to postgraduate degrees of Master, and 52 fields of studies leading to the doctoral degrees. This is a plausible explanation for Hue University to be ranked among top five universities in Vietnam and 350th in Asian University Ranking.

Higher Education in general and Higher Education at Hue University in particular has been challenged in the era of integration and development. It is notable, though, that Hue University has always been proactive and determined in its own way towards advancement.

One of its determined orientations is the development into a university with research strengths. Hue University has had 179 national research projects over the past five years. Every year, Hue University has around 300 – 400 journal articles published in ISI- and SCOPUS-indexed journals. In the period 2016 – 2017, Hue University was proudly ranked number 8 in the country for the ISI-indexed publications.

It is easy to realize in the meeting between Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Hue University a reconciliation between the aspiration of a leading institution and the consideration and dedication of the Head of Government.

The Prime Minister’s recommendations in his speech also touched the minds and hearts of Hue people. “Hue University must train those who are not only skillful professionals, engineers and doctors, but also culturally knowledgeable, just like our Hue, which is rich in precious traditions.”

Many issues that have arisen in the integration and development need to be resolved and the four orientations suggested by the Prime Minister are the “solutions” for Hue University. These include the focus on research methods and soft skills for students, the training programs that meet social demands and suit the international trends, students’ start-ups and application of technology into business, and a gradual transition to university autonomy.

At the very beginning of Hue University, it was a component that contributed to the system of cultural values of Hue, and it proves an aspiration of everlasting development. It is now time for a breakthrough. Accordingly, the Prime Ministers visit to Hue University early 2018 was considered as a symbolic commencement. It comes from a genuine attentiveness to invest in Hue for a complete urban area of higher education, which contributes to featuring the ancient capital.

Story and photo: Minh Tam


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