ClockTuesday, 28/02/2023 20:45

“Hue poetry 2023” contest launched

TTH.VN - On the afternoon of February 28, Song Huong Magazine launched a poetry contest with the theme “Hue poetry 2023”.

Publication of the poetry collection “The poet life” by the researcher Nguyen Dac Xuan


Introducing poetry songs of Hue poets

Contestants are Vietnamese citizens living and working in the country and abroad; as well as overseas Vietnamese. Each author can join the contest with many works but only under one pseudonym.

Works are about culture, heritage, nature, people, love for Thua Thien Hue homeland. They aims to preserve and promote cultural, historical and traditional values in the cause of national construction and defense, in the integration period; at the same time, exploiting cultural and traditional values, new perspectives on culture, nature, people and the land of Thua Thien Hue. Compositions must conform to the fine customs and traditions of Vietnamese culture.

Entries must be new works, composed in 2023 and not yet published on any mass media, social networking sites, internal circulation publications. During the contest period, the author is not allowed to submit his/her works to other contests nor to print or publish them in anthologies. The contest does not accept works of epics, satires, adaptations...

Mr. Le Vinh Thai, a poet, Editor-in-Chief of Song Huong Magazine, Head of the Organizing Committee of the “Hue Poetry 2023” contest said: “The contest wishes to have many poetic works about the land of culture and heritage, nature, people, and love for the homeland of Thua Thien Hue. We hope that authors and poets from Hue and all over the country submit many works to participate in the contest”.

Time to receive entries is from March 1 to November 30, 2023.

By Trang Hien
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