ClockFriday, 28/04/2023 17:55

"Intercultural meeting place" opens in Hue

TTH.VN - A new cultural space and rendezvous named "Intercultural meeting place" has just been launched on the afternoon of April 26 at 94, 96, and 98 Bach Dang Street, Hue City.

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 A concert by Dong Kinh Co Nhac group at the "Intercultural meeting place"

This cultural site is established by Prof. Dr. Thai Kim Lan. This is also the address of the Lan Vien Co Tich 2, besides the Lan Vien Co Tich 1 – the Huong River Museum of Antique Pottery located on Nguyen Phuc Nguyen Street.

The "Intercultural meeting place" is the venue of activities relating to painting, music, dramas, films, literature, and even philosophy, etc., aiming to create a space for artists to exchange, create, as well as introducing the authors and works to the public.

This space will also create an intercultural connection between Hue and the world, creating a forum for literature, art, and cultural exchange between the East and the West.

The "Intercultural meeting place" also aims at social integration activities with programs accompanying the local authority in the preservation of the historical space of Gia Hoi ancient town, creating a spread of the awareness of preserving the environment and the ecology.

According to Prof. Dr. Thai Kim Lan, the desire to establish an intercultural address in Hue had been cherished by her since she returned to Vietnam in the 80s and 90s. This is a place to create opportunities for the people of the city, especially the young ones to meet, exchange, learn and chat about culture with visitors, researchers, artists, students, and traders, etc., from countries around the world. This is an address for culturally enlightening exchange in an atmosphere of equality and commonality.

*In the afternoon of the same day, the exhibition themed "Nothing Behind - Adam Eva" by Bui Thanh Tam, an artist from Hanoi, was also launched at the "Intercultural meeting place".

 The exhibition of artist Bui Thanh Tam attracts the attention of the public who love art

The exhibition introduces to the viewers the art works of artist Bui Thanh Tam, which are created from the tradition and folk painting materials, showing the sublimation of the contemporary art from the tradition.

In each paintings named “Mat Phat” ("The Buddha’s Face"), “Coi nhan gian” ("The Human Realm"), “Vu tru” (“The Universe"), “Xu An Nam” ("The An Nam territory"), “Yeu” ("Love"), “Vuon xuan” ("The Spring Garden"), etc., viewers can recognize the beauty from colors created by the hands of creation. There, all dimensions of time and space just disappear, and leaving nothing behind but the cosmic joys to flourish, where aesthetics and art become an endless passion.

Artist Bui Thanh Tam was born and raised in Thai Binh Province. He graduated from Vietnam Fine Arts University. His drawings are mainly created on flat paintings, with political and critical characteristics on social issues taking place every day in Vietnam and around the world. The message in his art works is often conveyed through the actions and attitudes of human-like characters, and dressing in Asian-inspired costumes.

Bui Thanh Tam's art works are often exhibited widely in Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, as well as private museums in Germany and European countries; and also, are present in many collections in Asia, Switzerland, Netherlands, the UK, France, the USA, and Canada.

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