ClockTuesday, 25/04/2023 16:24

Introducing royal timbre in the Fatherland Culture and Tourism Week

TTH.VN - In the framework of Hung Temple Festival, the Fatherland Culture and Tourism Week 2023 and the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the UNESCO convention on the protection of intangible cultural heritages taking place from April 20 to 29 in Viet Tri City, Phu Tho Province, Hue Traditional Royal Art Theater introduces the unique features of Hue royal court Music.

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 The space introducing royal court music in Phu Tho Province

In the framework of the activities, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival is held on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the 2003 UNESCO Convention on intangible cultural heritage protection.

Together with 14 other cultural heritages recognized by UNESCO as “Masterpieces of Intangible Heritage of Humanity”, artists of Hue Traditional Royal Art Theater performed Dai nhac (Great Court Music) and Tieu nhac (Small Court Music), the typical performances of royal court music.

Through introducing to the public regional heritage values, the artists have left various impressions with special royal court music program performed in the sparking and fanciful lights of paper lanterns bearing the mark of Hue royal art.

In addition to the performance in the opening ceremony, the organizing committee also gave Hue royal court music a separate area to perform and introduce the special heritage values of Hue heritage to the public.

Hung Temple Festival, the Fatherland Culture and Tourism Week 2023, the National Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage recognized by UNESCO, and the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the 2003 UNESCO Convention are the events held by the Phu Tho Provincial People’s Committee in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Hung Temple Festival and the Fatherland Culture and Tourism Week 2023 with the theme “Sacred Origins – Land of Hung King Ancestors” are the convergence of the cultural heritage quintessence from all regions of the country, bringing tourists and locals taking the pilgrimage to origins the profound experiences to get the better understanding, love and proud of the country, as well as Vietnam culture and Vietnamese people.

Especially, the festival is an opportunity to review the path of 20 years that Vietnam has been a responsible member in the work of implementing action programs on intangible cultural heritage protection. Vietnam’s cultural heritage will continue to be preserved and spread the identity and human value system, contributing to shining Vietnamese culture in the civilization flow of the world.

By Minh Hien
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