ClockMonday, 14/11/2022 08:10

Music promoting destinations

TTH.VN - Spring Summer Autumn Winter and Spring Again season 2 of Forest Studio is attracting the attention of netizens, especially fans of the live band performance with young artists. Hue is the destination for the opening episodes of this season, at the semi-circular bridge on the Huong River, Nghinh Luong Dinh (Hue City), Ngu My Thanh village (Quang Loi, Quang Dien)...

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Singers of Spring Summer Autumn Winter and Spring Again season 2 performing in front of 3,000 spectators at Nghinh Luong Dinh

With the theme of "On The Road", Spring Summer Autumn Winter and Spring Again season 2 is a trip to many new places, where people are less likely to have the chance to enjoy cultural and artistic events compared to big cities.

Each stage of Spring Summer Autumn Winter and Spring Again season 2 in Hue attracts several thousand spectators from urban to rural areas, most of which are young people. Although it was expected that only a few hundred random spectators would attend, the reality exceeded the original plan. As in Nghinh Luong Dinh, 3,000 young people came early to watch the performance.

Truc Nhan, a singer, had to say: "I am extremely, extremely fond of this large crowd". And Anh Tu, singer, shared: "It's a great feeling!"

Especially for the first time, the romantic river countryside has become the performance stage of a famous music brand. The stage of Ngu My Thanh mural village that day attracted thousands of people from neighboring districts and Hue City. Viewers sat on balconies, terraces, roofs...

The theme "Fishing village_cha cha cha" made the crowd emotional with the songs about family love, covered in a new way. The whole program took place against the backdrop of the immense lagoon, dotted with windy boats. The surprisingly gentle, simple, and pure music program created great attraction and effect among young music lovers.

Fishing village_cha cha cha filmed at Ngu My Thanh creating a good effect when broadcasted

Mr. Tran Cong Truc, Deputy Director of Quang Dien Cultural Department, said that the program organizers said that they wanted to change the space of the program, so they chose Ngu My Thanh village. All the songs were about family love, so they were very close and emotional. At times, both singers and listeners shed tears. The video of the performance on YouTube had received a high number of views and everyone loved it.

This is not the first time that music performances with the natural stage of Hue have left an impression in the hearts of fans. At Festival 2022, the Russian Symphony Orchestra's Belogorie Band had a romantic performance at Da Vien islet. Artist Davidov shared that his feelings overflowed when he danced on such a poetic natural stage surrounded by rivers and sparkling candles.

Hue Festival has the credit for “pioneering” the use of unique and natural outdoor stages on the Huong River, in the Imperial Citadel, and in the community parks... Hue Festival 2022 was an explosive festival with many open natural stages. The audience just walked around, enjoyed the scenery, and comfortably "chilled" in the music. 

According to Le Chi Quoc Anh, musician, Chairman of the Provincial Music Association, the most important issue is to ensure sound quality. Outdoor music programs at cultural sites and monuments attract the community and offer a unique experience. While listening to music, the audience and listeners have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Music adds value to the destination in this situation.

Mr. Nguyen Van Phuc, Director of the Department of Tourism, pays great attention to Da Lat's Wandering Clouds - a music program that attracts many young tourists to the foggy city. Witnessing the popularity of the Wandering Clouds program when it was held in Hue, Mr. Phuc was inspired to promote the beauty of Hue through outdoor music programs.

In 2014, the French director Phillippe Bouler (who has been working with Hue Festival for 15 years) said that Hue only organized festivals in even and odd years, and it was a shame that the remaining days were "quiet". After the festival programs, it is necessary to organize alternate art activities and maintain cultural activities. This could be on a small scale but with higher frequency so that this place is always a lively and attractive space for cultural and art activities!

Million-view music videos from Spring Summer Autumn Winter and Spring Again season 2 are creating good effects in the community of young music enthusiasts. This new channel to promote Hue’s natural beauty and people needs to be exploited and developed.

Story: Linh Tue. Photos: F.Studio

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