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Remedies for fine art exhibition in Hue

TTH.VN - In addition to the ordinary exhibitions, Hue Museum of Fine Art needs to aim to the assistance of digital technology to attract more viewers and provide them with more hands-on experience. What is meant by digital technology is the its focus on digitizing data and exploiting smart remedies for the exhibits.

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It was one of the proposals put forward by experts at the discussion of the exhibition space for fine art works at Hue Museum of Fine Art.

Applying modern technology in exhibition

Established 5 years ago, Hue Museum of Fine Art has affirmed its reputation and become an attractive destination for art lovers. There are many obstacles and difficulties, ranging from funding to ways of collecting and displaying. According to professionals, it is still a long journey to development, requiring much investment and change.

Painter Nguyen Thien Duc, Chairman of the Thua Thien Hue Fine Art Association, said that the number of artifacts and works at the Hue Fine Arts Museum is still modest, compared to other fine art museums across the country, and they are insufficient to provide viewers with a big picture of Hue fine art.

According to Mr. Duc, although the Museum has a clear collection plan, the budget and the sources of works and artifacts available for collection are unexpected. Collection records show that there are not many works by artists from modern times to 1945 and 1954. The works in the period of 1954 - 1975 and from 1975 to the 1987 doi moi era are also sparse. Young artists of the contemporary period have not yet diversified the styles and adapted to changes in Hue fine art. This reflects the current situation of unharmonious relationship between artists and their works.

From his own perspective, this painter also commented that there is no need to put too much emphasis on ancient fine arts, but to start with authors and works that establish the foundation for modern Hue fine art. On further discussing the exhibition space, painter Nguyen Thien Duc proposed to divide it into two areas: a fixed exhibition space and a thematic exhibition space. The traditional display style should be maintained with a fixed display system grouped according to the historical progression of Hue fine art, and according to each timeline with famous authors accompanied with their typical works.

In addition, modern technology should be deployed to reflect the artistic value of the work better to the public and attract more visitors. “In addition to the artist, the original works and artifacts, it is necessary to focus on integrating technology to present more about historical, social, personal contexts and information about the artist’s activities and digital images on the virtual platform to make it more vivid,” said the head of the Thua Thien Hue Fine Art Association.

A team of art curators is needed

Painter Do Ky Huy (College of Arts, Hue University) said that in the near future, Hue Museum of Fine Art can establish its identity as a museum of modern art. This is a common model in the world with the highlight being an ability to update constantly changing art trends regionally and internationally. The strength of this model is to take advantage of available collection opportunities that easily attract and form a stable and regular public group.

The exhibition plan, according to Huy, focuses on contemporary art and modern art of Hue. Along with that, it is necessary to quickly build a team of art curators capable of organizing thematic exhibitions that are generalized and selective. This will help create an appraised collection source that meets with the museum’s standards. “It is necessary to have a plan to improve Hue Fine Art Museum soon, not only for functional and professional activities but also for the development of contemporary art,” the painter Huy said.

Mr. Phan Thanh Hai, Director of the Department of Culture and Sports, opined that the exhibition system of the fine art at Hue Museum of Fine Art needs to consist of four display spaces: regular space, seasonal space, outdoor space, and space for creative exploration.

In particular, the regular exhibition space plays a leading role in the museum. The exhibition contents not only represent the field of art but also clearly reflect aspects of local history and culture that are characteristics of the land and people of Hue. “This not only highlights its uniqueness but also establishes its own identity, presenting the importance of Hue Museum of Fine Art in the cultural and artistic community,” Mr. Hai commented. He also noted that it is necessary to focus on remedies for exhibition, including technical and lighting elements, and technology to create appeal to viewers.

Story: Nhat Minh - Photo: Ngoc Hoa
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