ClockThursday, 13/06/2024 18:59

VinIF Foundation suggested to continue restoring and training the art of Hue tuong mask painting

TTH.VN - Hue Monuments Conservation Center recently had a working session with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Thi Ha Duong, managing director of the Vingroup Innovation Foundation – VinIF, to discuss the implementation process of the project “Restoring, training and teaching Hue tuong mask painting art - a traditional art form at high risk of being lost”. The project is built by Hue Monuments Conservation Center and sponsored by the VinIF.

“Dextrous in brushwork”The art of making masks for Tuong

At the working session, both sides listened to a report on the project's implementation status as well as its achieved results. Up to now, the trainees in the course on training and teaching the art of mask painting have captured the sequence of painting steps, color mixing, the meanings of the patterns, and colors. They have mastered the method of painting on paper masks, on their own faces, and their fellow actors’ faces masks of the characters they have been trained. The project has achieved an output of 330/300, exceeding the requirements. 

After the training course, the trainees' products were utilized to create an exhibition space at the Duyet Thi Duong Theater, Hue Imperial Citadel. This is both a tourist attraction and a space to introduce and promote Hue tuong art in the most meaningful and effective way.

 Representatives of the VinIF Foundation visited the displaying space of Hue tuong masks at Duyet Thi Duong Theater

Hue Monuments Conservation Center also suggested its desire to continue receiving the companionship and support from the Vingroup Innovation Foundation, so as to further expand and develop the scale and number of masks, as well as completing the system of displaying masks that are characteristic and typical of Hue tuong. Currently, only 20 mask patterns have been training, and the Center proposed to increase this number to 50 -100 mask patterns at the Duyet Thi Duong Theater space; creating conditions for the cultural and historical values of Hue to be revived sooner and develop further.

By Lien Minh - Bao Minh
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