ClockMonday, 14/11/2022 15:00

Awards ceremony for the contest “Ru Cha - Con Te, the Colors of water 2022”

TTH.VN - This is the first time Hue City People's Committee organized a contest to promote the beautiful images of Ru Cha mangrove forest and Con Te islet to domestic and international tourists.

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The first prize belongs to the photographer Le Van Minh (right) with the photo titled "Autumn colors". 

After nearly 2 months, the artistic photo and video contest "Ru Cha, Con Te - the Colors of water" in 2022 organized by the City People's Committee received a total of 617 photo works by 96 authors and 11 video clips by 10 authors and groups of authors in and outside the province.

This is the first time Hue City People's Committee organized a contest to promote the beautiful images of Ru Cha mangrove forest and Con Te islet to domestic and international tourists.

After 7 qualifying rounds, the organizers selected 72 works by 31 authors for exhibition, of which 11 most outstanding photo works won 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, 3 third prizes and 5 consolation prizes. In particular, the first prize belongs to the photographer Le Van Minh with the photo titled "Autumn colors".

As for video category, after 4 qualifying rounds, the organizers also selected 1 first prize, 1 second prize and 1 third prize. The exhibition will last until November 15, and run at Number 23 to 25 Le Loi street of Hue City.

By Thanh Huong

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