ClockSaturday, 26/02/2022 08:37

Creating a highlight for Hue urban space

TTH.VN - Late 2021, Hue City People's Committee was honored with the Golden Award in the Second National Urban Planning Awards with the project “Detailed planning on two banks of the Huong River”. This is both an honor and a motivation for the city to continue to invest in improving infrastructure and landscape for a highlight for the space on the riverbanks.

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The space along Huong River banks becomes more and more handsome and modern thanks to embellishment projects.

Improving the space on the riverbanks

The detailed planning project on the Huong riverbanks is part of the technical support project "Detailed planning on the Huong Riverbanks and the pilot project" supported by the Korean Government, implemented during the period of 2015-2020. The the implementation of the project was conducted by the Korean consulting group (of DOWHA-HANA Joint Venture) and supported by the Koica Project Management Board.

According to a leader of Hue City People's Committee, during the implementation of the project, the DOWHA-HANA Joint Venture has carefully examined the current situation, the cultural value, the landscape of the riverbanks in the general urban plan of Hue and proposed a plan in the direction of forming a diverse and natural landscape axis with many historical and cultural relics, central park and specific landscape areas along the river. They also studied and organized the landscaping and architectural space in three segments.

In the upstream segment (from Vong Canh hill to Da Vien islet), the project would focus on landscape conservation and historical and cultural resource management. The urban center (from Da Vien islet to Con Hen islet) would be built into a cultural tourism center and open spaces. The downstream area (from Con Hen to Bao Vinh ancient town) would be for conservation and exploitation of natural ecological landscape.

Based on the idea and orientation, the Koica Project Management Board coordinated with the consulting group to hold a workshop consulting with experts and managers of central and local governments. During the implementation process, there have been numerous seminars, consultion with experts, researchers, provincial leaders, and agencies, as well as survey for public opinions of the community.

Chairman of Hue City People's Committee, Vo Le Nhat said that the project had been approved by the Provincial People's Committee after 6 years of research and implementation, and several projects and areas have been invested in construction, such as walking bridges connecting the pedestrian system on the south bank of the Huong River with the park opposite the Provincial People's Committee and the walking route to the north of the Huong River from Truong Tien bridge to Thien Mu pagoda.

In particular, after being invested, built, and put into operation, the projects and areas mentioned above have been highly appreciated by the people and international visitors, contributing to positive effects and changing the face of Hue into a more modern and handsome city.

The Golden Award in the Second National Urban Planning Awards was an honor of the local authorities and people of Hue city for having a high-quality planning project. It was also a worthy award to evaluate the support, cooperation, and implementation of planning and construction projects in the city for the Korea International Cooperation Agency and the DOWHA-HANA Joint Venture in recent years. The award was also a driving force to continue implementing the project “Hue city of culture and smart tourism", which aims at bringing a comprehensive development to Hue.

The roads leading to Vong Canh hill have been invested and upgraded to serve tourists and residents.

Embellishing Vong Canh Hill

Along with the space of the riverbanks, Vong Canh Hill is one of the well-known landscapes in the southwestern part of Hue city, located in the spatial landscaping complex of Hue Monuments, such as Tu Duc Tomb, Dong Khanh Tomb and Hon Chen Temple.

Based on the adjustment of the general planning of Hue city by 2030 towards 2050 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 649, Vong Canh Hill area will be built for visitors to admire the historic beauty of the tombs and the Huong River upstream natural landscape.

The Provincial People's Committee has approved the detailed construction planning of Vong Canh Hill and the surrounding area, which will be built into a park for walking, sightseeing and relaxation. It also offers ideal stops for walking trips and waterway journeys along the Huong River. It is possible that camping activities, art creation camps and cultural exchanges are held here.

According to the Chairman of Hue City People's Committee, in the planning project of the riverbanks, Vong Canh Hill will be embellished into a natural landscape area for people and tourists to relax and enjoy the view of the upstream area and the mountainous in the southwest of the city, including the improvement of the promenade system, the embellishmentof some flower gardens, the establishment of a number of wooden huts, and the installment of electric lighting system.

Based on the approved planning, Hue Green Park Center has been authorized to implement the investment project on embellishment phase 1, being supplied with a total of VND 12.7 billion with particular categories including walkways and huts as specification of the orientation in the architectural landscape stated in the approved plans. This contributes to preserving and promoting the value of the  history and natural landscapes in the locality and creates entertaining spots for residents and visitors.

Story and photos: THANH HUONG


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