ClockWednesday, 12/12/2018 17:55

"Giant" golden carp caught

TTH.VN - This fish had been caught by a fisherman in Phu Loc district (Thua Thien Hue province) in the lagoon and then sold to a trader. It was about 5 kilos in weight, about 60 centimeters in length, and over 20 centimeters in width, with beautiful sparkling golden scales.

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The fish is still alive

On the morning of December 11, Ms. Hue, a trader in Thuy Phu market (Huong Thuy town) bought the fish from the fisherman when she purchased fishes in Phu Loc lagoon. The fish is still alive and being taken care by Ms. Hue.

As the fish has beautiful color, many curious people have taken a look at and wanted to buy it; but Ms. Hue has not sold it yet. "Normally, the price of carp is about VND 60,000 per kilo. However, big fish like this one will be more expensive," Ms. Hue said.

The carp is about 5 kilos in weight

According to Ms. Hue, although golden carp is not too rare, the one having weight from 5 kilos or more is considered rare fish. The locals often called them “carp” (“ca gay”); in flood season, it usually moves into the lagoon to reproduce. This is a kind of fish with a spiritual element.

Golden carp is a member of the carp family, whose scientific name is Cyprinidae. In Vietnam, this fish is often used as an offering to the Kitchen Gods on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month.

Mr. Vo Giang, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Fisheries, said that in the flood season, the carp appeared quite a lot under the water flow, especially in the Tam Giang-Cau Hai lagoon, and this time was the specialty season of this fish.

The golden carp with its sparkling and beautiful appearance.

Story, photos, and video: T. Bich

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