ClockSaturday, 02/06/2018 14:52

Hue looks more vivid through lens of young photographers

TTH.VN - With the participation of young people, the photography movement in Hue is growing more and more active. The young artists’ works not only satisfy their passion but contribute to spreading the beauty of Hue.

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Study tour of young photographers. Photo: Bao Minh


Although working as an electrical engineer at Hue Monuments Conservation Centre, Nguyen Phuc Bao Minh always carries a camera with him. To him, camera is like a friend that helps to keep and preserve the beauty he sees and senses around him.

Mr. Minh said, "my love for photography has been with me since my junior high school time and I used to come whenever there was any photo exhibition held at the City’s Association of Arts and Literature. By that time, digital camera was not so popular. I used an old mechanical camera borrowed from a friend of mine and learned how to take pictures by myself.

Not until 2006 was Bao Minh able to pursue his passion for photography. He captures the images of whatever he sees, but his most attractive theme is always the images of workers and ao dai.

"To me, taking photos means recording the beauty of life around me and sharing it with other people. Photography is not a merely a career but also a passion of a heart that loves the beauty and wishes to keep those moments with photos."

Coming to photography just a couple of years, Le Tan Thanh, another young photographer, has a great passion for the art of light.  Whenever he has free time, he roams about with his camera. The natural landscape and the daily labor life always attract Thanh’s lens.

"When I started pursuing photography, I found it not simple at all. I couldn’t  find out ahead what I was going to shoot, and didn’t have any focused subject . Gradually, I learned from experienced people as well as from the Internet to how to master the techniques, how to choose subjects and contents for my photos. “In photography, the longer you stay with it, the more passionate you will feel about it", Tan Thanh shared his thought.

Signing in the Facebook page "Love for Photography - Hue" or "Hue Young Photographers’ Club", photo lovers can enjoy watching hundreds of beautiful photos taken by the young photographers: the beauty of the mausoleums, of the Imperial City, of Nature, of Hue women and of the daily life activities  as recorded from different angles.

There are more beautiful photos continuously updated and shared by young photographers, satisfying the photography lovers and spreading the beauty of the people, of the nature and culture of Hue.

The gentleness of Hue Women always attracts the lenses of young photographers. Photo: Bao Minh

Not just a game

With the fast development in the digital field, photographic equipment becomes abundant and popular, making photography more familiar to nearly everyone. What makes us happy is that there are more and more younger photographers loving and pursuing photography. The basic reason for the majority of them to come to photography is their interest in recording the beauty around them on their own, and as well as learning and doing research by themselves.

"The photography activity in Hue is now very active, especially on social networks. In particular, a number of groups of youths in Hue show their great passion in shooting photos. They often upload their new photos. This is very exciting", photographic artist Pham Van Ty, vice president of the Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists, said.

In the eyes of young photographers filled with their passion to discover, the beauty of the homeland and of the workers is reflected from the most idyllic things. It may be the image of an old lottery ticket seller, the notability of a street vendor, or simply the beauty of fishermen’s labor, the smile of farmers on harvest days of plenty and so on.

The works of young photographers with great passion in going taking pictures are always full of the breath of life, and aesthetically appealing. These works are marked   by the prizes won in both domestic and international photographic  contests, contributing to broadcasting the Nature and the people of Hue, and making Hue look more beautiful in the eyes of friends everywhere.

Trang Hien



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