ClockTuesday, 04/01/2022 08:29

Hue tourism promoted on virtual space

TTH.VN - According to the Department of Tourism, local tourism industry will be promoted using 3D virtual reality technology since January 2022.

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Virtual exhibition is a form of organizing exhibitions online, in which the entire exhibition space, booths, products and services, sightseeing activities, etc., are conducted using 3D technology.

Visitors to the online exhibition space would be able to admire the local destinations, tourism products and services of Thua Thien Hue province all in one place and have access to the exhibition anytime, anywhere through handheld smart devices or personal computers.

In addition, visitors can learn about local tourism information, products and services visually and vividly through the projector system, 3D interaction or virtual reality glasses.

By Duc Quang


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“There is nothing happier than sublimating into performances in the setting of Hue City”
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