ClockSaturday, 27/05/2023 07:05

Hue wrestling has "gold" again

TTH.VN - Vietnamese wrestlers grabbed big wins again at the SEA Games 32. Contributing to the achievements of wrestling had the merit of sisters Nguyen Thi My Hanh and Nguyen Thi My Trang from Quang Dien when together they successfully defended the championship won at the SEA Games 31.

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 Hue wrestling brought "gold" back from the SEA Games arena

 Double joy

Archer Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhi and Judo fighter Duong Thi Quynh Nhu were not included in the competition list, so the responsibility to participate in the SEA Games 32 and bring glory to the Ancient Capital was once again placed on the shoulders of wrestling sisters Nguyen Thi My Hanh and Nguyen Thi My Trang.

They are the reigning SEA Games champions. Nguyen Thi My Trang earned a gold in the women's freestyle 57kg wrestling. Meanwhile, Nguyen Thi My Hanh won the SEA Games twice (30 and 31) in the 62kg category.

The two wrestling sisters from Quang Dien did not betray the great faith of the struggling Ancient Capital sports. Together they brilliantly won their competitions at the SEA Games 32 wrestling arena. Both female wrestlers, representing Thua Thien Hue sports, entered the ring with the responsibility of defending 2 golds scooped 1 year back at the SEA Games 31.

And, just like a year ago at home, the younger sister My Trang entered the competition first. It was admirable that after less than 30 seconds, My Trang won and promptly snatched a gold in the 57 kg category.

Hastily putting on the shirt after successfully defending the gold in the 57kg category, female wrestler Nguyen Thi My Trang ran quickly back to the ring to watch and cheer for her elder sister Nguyen Thi My Hanh entering the “final” in the 62kg category. With her breath broken because of fatigue, My Trang still tried to cheer for her elder sister.

A loud shout of “Come on, sister” from My Trang echoed throughout the gymnasium, invigorating My Hanh to launch powerful opponent locks. And like My Trang, only after a few minutes did My Hanh also notch up an easy victory.

Sharing after the victory, My Hanh could not hide her joy: “When on the ring, I saw My Trang standing from afar, cheering. We were overjoyed because this was the second time at the SEA Games that we had shared the same glory.” Apparently, the experience from My Hanh has inspired My Trang when this was the third time the elder sister My Hanh had won gold.

Glorious journey

In an ecstasy of victory in Cambodia, female wrestler My Hanh reminisced about the days when the two sisters trained hard together. It was a journey beset with challenges but unable to shake their cast-iron will.

Nguyen Thi My Hanh (born in 1997) and Nguyen Thi My Trang (born in 2001) are the second and third children in a family of 7 siblings. Following in their footsteps are two younger sisters, Nguyen Thi My Linh (born in 2003) and Nguyen Thi My Tien (born in 2005).

My Hanh shared, “The greatest happiness of the 4 sisters is the family’s ceaseless accompaniment, cheer, and encouragement. Today, the whole family watches online, invigorating Hanh and Trang from afar. That is the greatest strength of the two sisters upon pursuing wrestling."

 My Trang successfully defended the championship won at SEA Games 31

About the access to wrestling, My Hanh said that it was probably because her sisters lived in an extremely difficult countryside, and coach Dinh Van Kien - also Hanh's adoptive father - especially discovered, trained, and developed her and her younger sisters' talent.

The native land of sisters My Hanh and My Trang (Sia Town, Quang Dien District) is close to Thu Le Village (Quang Phuoc Commune). My Hanh once said at the start of every year, the urging sound of drums and the image of a wrestling ring keep her unable to sit still at home.

On the occasion of recruitment by the Hue wrestling team, Hanh recalled the images of matches on the sand ring, instantly applied them to the challenges by the wrestling recruitment teacher, and received a prompt nod.

If My Hanh is inclined to press an attack to win overwhelmingly in terms of score, My Trang is highly evaluated for her ability to defend discreetly, unable to expose weaknesses. The 32nd SEA Games gold medal is an addition to the inherently rich and outstanding collection by sisters My Hanh - My Trang.

Aside from 3 golds in 3 consecutive SEA Games, My Hanh is also the owner of a bronze at ASIAD 2018 and two bronzes at Asia Youth Championship 2017, 2018. For My Trang, besides 2 SEA Games golds, she also earned a gold in the SEA Games, and a bronze in Asian Youth Games 2018, 2019.

Evaluating the wrestling sisters, coach Dinh Van Kien once affirmed that they are the "treasure" of the provincial wrestling team. Whenever there is a tournament, two sisters My Hanh - My Trang, who win their caps for Thua Thien Hue's wrestling team, scoop medals.

Story and photos: Van Kien
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