ClockMonday, 10/10/2022 09:12
Hue Central Hospital:

Removing the gallstone using peroral cholangioscopy with laser

TTH.VN - Hue Central Hospital shared that on October 7, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Pham Nhu Hiep - Director of Hue Central Hospital, the endoscopy department doctors collaborated with Vietnam Federation for Digestive Endoscopy (VFDE) have successfully deployed the technique to remove intrahepatic gallstones using peroral cholangioscopy with laser (Spyglass). The patient is Phan Thi T., 74 years old (from Thua Thien Hue).

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The medical team performing techniques to remove cholelithiasis using the peroral cholangioscopy system with laser

This is a difficult case since the conventional method such as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and open surgery could not fully remove gallstones. This procedure took approximately 2 hours. The patient had all gallstones removed from the liver.

According to Prof. Hiep, this is a modern technique that was first deployed in the Central region and Central Highlands, this procedure is minimally invasive, bringing few sequels to the patient, leaving no scars on the skin, fully removing gallstones. As the recovery time was fast, after 12 hours, the patient would be able to sit and had a light meal and was expected to be discharged the next day.

Previously, on October 6, 2022, Patient T. had symptoms of fever, right upper quadrant pain, jaundice then she was hospitalized with a diagnosis of intrahepatic cholelithiasis.

By Dong Van

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