Saturday, 20/06/2020 08:10
Rescuing patient falling from fifth floor of a building
TTH.VN - This information was provided by Hue Central Hospital on the afternoon of June 17. Accordingly, doctors and nurses of Hue Central Hospital saved a patient who fell from the 5th floor due to occupational accident.
The female patient who was rescued was Doan Thi Kim A., 40 years old, from Phu Mau Commune, Phu Vang District, and was admitted to Hue Central Hospital a month earlier. On admission, the patient had severe shock, cranial trauma, pulmonary contusion, liver trauma, multiple fractures and complicated maxillofacial wounds, with devastating prognosis and high risk of death.
When taking on this case, Hue Central Hospital immediately activated the Code Red throughout the hospital to urgently consult and resuscitate the patient. After 5 days, the patient's parameters began to improve, with better SpO2, and stable blood pressure. After 30 days of intensive care in collaboration with the relevant departments, the patient was fully conscious, being able to breath independently, understand the instructions, vital signs were within normal limits.
According to doctors at Hue Central Hospital, it was very rare for Kim A. to be rescued, with an occupational accident that was a fall from a height of the 5th floor to the ground, there would be an extremely high risk of death. In the case of Kim A., the most important factor for the patient to be rescued was that Hue Central Hospital had quickly and promptly activated the Code Red, mobilizing the active and efficient coordination from a lot of related departments.
In the coming days, the patient continues to be completely treated for previous injuries and practice rehabilitation to be discharged.
By Dong Van