ClockSaturday, 22/06/2019 10:10

Sharing surgical advances and minimally invasive therapy for hepato-biliary-pancreatic diseases

TTH.VN - It is the content given at the scientific conference of Hue Central Hospital (HCH) in collaboration with the Vietnamese Society of Hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surgery (VSSHBPS), Vietnam Association for the Study of Liver Disease (VASLD) which took place on the afternoon of June 20 in Hue City.

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dung, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Leaders of Hue Central Hospital; Leaders of VASLD; Leaders of Vietnam Medical Association and more than 350 professors, doctors and leading experts and scientist attended the meeting.

Vietnam is a country located in the epidemiologic region of hepatitis virus with the highest rate of infection worldwide. Along with the consumption of alcohol and environmental and food issues ... liver cancer accounts for a high proportion of death with more than 25,000 cases (triple the mortality rate due to traffic accident in Vietnam). In addition, there are many diseases including hepatitis, cirrhosis, and biliary-pancreatic diseases that have been major challenges for the national healthcare profession.

The Vietnamese and foreign professors, leading experts brought to the workshop more than 60 scientific reports to exchange and share many new and progressive improvement in liver, pancreatic and organ transplants in Vietnam; experiences in liver transplantation from living donor in the country and application of laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery and advanced techniques on pancreaticoduodenectomy and surgery of biliary diseases.

Besides, there are many reports presenting new techniques and technologies of Vietnam and the world in the treatment of minimally invasive therapy for hepato-biliary-pancreatic diseases, such as Nanoknife, Irreversible Electroporation of tumor, radioactive seed implant, SIR – spheres Y-90, Image-Guided Radiation Therapy, using high frequency waves, microwaves, lasers ... that improved efficiency and higher living quality in the treatment of patients with hepato-biliary-pancreatic diseases.

In the two days of June 20 and 21, Hue Central Hospital will show surgeries and minimally invasive techniques to doctors specialized in hepatobiliary in the country. In June 20 evening, at Hue Century Hotel, there would be a ceremony to announce that Vietnamese Society of Hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surgery is an official member of the International Association of Hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surgery and the Asia-Pacific Association of Hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surgery; to launch the Central - Central Highlands Association for the Study of Liver Disease ; to launch the website of the Association (; and to give thanks to sponsors and present gifts to international guests at the same time ...

By Minh Van

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