ClockSunday, 14/04/2019 17:33

Building the first smart media city in Vietnam

TTH.VN - On April 13, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Phan Ngoc Tho had a meeting with representatives of departments, sectors and foreign experts on developing Hue Smart Media City.

Pilot project of smart city operation centerBuilding a model of smart cityBuilding Thua Thien Hue into a smart, friendly city

Smart media city is built in An Van Duong new urban area

Accordingly, Hue Smart Media City project is built in An Van Duong new urban area (Hue city) with a total area of ​​39.6 ha and its total cost is over USD 22 million.

The project aims to form the first Hue Smart Media City in Vietnam; in which, it focusses on developing information technology (IT), virtual reality (VR) technology and film industry; at the same time, connecting with historical resources that are preserved in Hue, high-quality human resources and tourism industry in locality.

This project will expand the existing industries through attracting new industries associated with tourism; promoting attracting businesses, especially the strategic businesses; boosting the local economy, creating employment opportunities for local labor resources; developing sustainable urban through smart digital technology application.

Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Phan Ngoc Tho taking photos with Korean experts

After hearing the comments from the departments, sectors and foreign experts, the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee welcomed the idea of ​​building the first smart media city in Vietnam. Chairman Phan Ngoc Tho asked the relevant agencies to accelerate the progress of the project; bring this project into a key project of the province. Regarding architecture, it is necessary to carefully study and be cautious to build the city suitable to the landscape and environment; some institutions need to be studied carefully to ensure infrastructure such as electricity, water and telecommunications...

By Thai Binh


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Cooperating in implementing green transport project in relic area

With the goal of building environmentally friendly Green Transport infrastructure, in line with the overall economic development orientation of the province in the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050, on June 14, Hue Monuments Conservation Center and Gbike Co., Ltd. (South Korea) signed a cooperation agreement to implement a green transport project in the relic area to exploit and promote the values of Hue relics.

Cooperating in implementing green transport project in relic area
Report on feasible research on investment in project of restoring Can Chanh Palace

On the afternoon of January 12th, at Duyet Thi Duong (Royal Theater), Hue Monuments Conservation Center (HMCC) organized a Report on feasible research on the investment in the project of restoring, renovating, and embellishing Can Chanh Palace. Attending were experts, cultural and historical researchers and leaders of relevant departments and branches.

Report on feasible research on investment in project of restoring Can Chanh Palace
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