ClockMonday, 23/07/2018 10:57

The 48 Hour Film Project to hold free screening in Hue

TTH.VN - On the morning of July 21, BHD star Hue Cineplex showed film introducing the 48 hour filmmaking project 2018 “Vietnam 48 hour film project”. The tickets for this sole showtime were free of charge at BHD Star Hue Cineplex.

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The 48 HFP was established in 2001 in The United States by Mark Ruppert and Liz Langston and it has been carried out in Vietnam since 2010 by Producer Ross Stewart. Since then, 48 HFP has become one of the big creative and difficult competitions. This is an opportunity for all candidates such as the elderly, the youngsters, students, workers, amateur or professional filmmakers to join hands to make a 4 to 7 minute film.

The audience comes to watch the film at BHD star Hue Cineplex

Around the theme of “dog walker” with the compulsory line of dialogue “Because I believe I’m right!”, the film includes liberal short stories which last 4 to 7 minutes per film. The films are created in 48 hours, and it is a part of “The 48 Hour Film Project” which has been screened in over 140 cities all over the world.

The 48 hour film Project of 2018 has attracted over 1.000 youngsters and created nearly 100 short films. The winning film will represent Vietnam to participate in the 2018 global final. If it achieves a victory, the film will be shown at the Cannes Film Festival.

Story, photo: Minh Hien

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