ClockWednesday, 03/05/2023 07:56

Belgian stilt walkers stir up the streets of Hue

TTH.VN - Among the art troupes performing at Hue Traditional Craft Festival 2023, perhaps the troupe of stilt walkers from the Kingdom of Belgium is the one that leaves the deepest impression with its unique and colorful performance, capturing the attention of the public.

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 The troupe of Belgian stilt walkers with outstanding costumes on the streets of Hue

On the days of Hue Traditional Craft Festival 2023, many streets in the center of Hue City have become an extended stage for the performance of the troupe of Belgian stilt walkers.

Depending on their schedule, the troupe of Belgian stilt walkers may perform independently, or perform together with many other art troupes. They have been present at Hai Ba Trung pedestrian street, Tran Hung Dao street, or sometimes having further stages which requires moving through many routes, etc.

The crowd gathers on both sides of the road everywhere the troupe moves through to attentively watch every move of the walkers with all sizes of stilts.

Every move of the stilt walkers is not only gentle but also skillful. It’s also more fun when many spectators were guided by the artists to experience standing on the stilts. Some people can immediately move, but there are also those who can only laugh and then step down because of the fear of losing their balance.

Below are some moments recorded by Thua Thien Hue Online:

Everywhere the Belgian stilt walkers move through, the crowd gets excited and attracted 
 The troupe stopping to serve the spectators
 The performances getting the attention and appreciation of locals and visitors
 Impressive performances by the stilt walkers
 The troupe of Belgian stilt walkers moving through many routes
 The “competition” between the two artists
 The crowd getting attracted everywhere the troupe moves through
 The troupe taking photos with locals on the street of Hue City
By Nhat Minh


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