ClockWednesday, 22/05/2024 16:19

The places where His footprints are kept

TTH.VN - During his childhood, President Ho Chi Minh and his family lived, worked, studied, and participated in patriotic activities in Thua Thien Hue for nearly 10 years. This was during the period of 1895 - 1901, when He was known as Nguyen Sinh Cung (from 5 to 11 years old), and the second period of 1906 - 1909, when He was known as Nguyen Tat Thanh (from 16 to 19 years old).

Hue Brass Band organizes music show to commemorate 134th birthday of Uncle Ho“Uncle Ho is forever in my heart”

To date, among the system of 9 relics and memorial sites for President Ho Chi Minh in Thua Thien Hue, 4 relics have been recognised as National Special Relics, which are the Memorial House of President Ho Chi Minh's childhood on Mai Thuc Loan Street, the Memorial House of President Ho Chi Minh's childhood in Duong No Village; Duong No communal house, and the site of Quoc Hoc School. The remaining relics, including the burial place of Mrs. Hoang Thi Loan (President Ho Chi Minh's mother); the Am Ba; the Ben Da; the site of the Office of the French Resident Superior in Central Region; and the site of Dong Ba French-Vietnamese Primary School, are provincial-level relics.

On the occasion of the 134th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh's birthday, Thua Thien Hue Weekly would like to invite readers to visit again the red addresses in Hue associated with His childhood, through photos taken by Truong Vung, the photographer. These places not only preserve the memories of His childhood when He lived in Hue, but also are the spaces being always filled with the pride, admiration, and remembrance of Him.

 A delegation from Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies and Enterprises Bloc solemnly offered flowers at the Ho Chi Minh Museum in Thua Thien Hue. Photo: Le Van Ha
 Quoc Hoc School in Hue, a place that bears the deep imprint of Nguyen Tat Thanh for nearly one year when He studied there
 Duong No village communal house, where Nguyen Sinh Cung played, learned about history, and studied every day
 People commemorated Uncle Ho and his parents at the Memorial House at No. 112 Mai Thuc Loan Street
 The simple kitchen in the Memorial House of President Ho Chi Minh's childhood in Duong No Village
 The simple items still bearing His warmth at the Memorial House of President Ho Chi Minh's childhood on Mai Thuc Loan Street
By Thua Thien Hue Weekly
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Uncle Ho - Stories and lessons

This is the title of the fifth book by Dr. Chu Duc Tinh (former Director of the Ho Chi Minh Museum) about President Ho Chi Minh. The author is one of the few in-depth researchers on President Ho Chi Minh, with the aim "to prove a confirmed truth: President Ho Chi Minh is an exemplary communist, a leader whose words are consistent with his actions" – as the author shared at the beginning of the book.

Uncle Ho - Stories and lessons
Offering lotus flowers to President Ho Chi Minh at the Memorial House in Duong No Village

Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Phan Ngoc Tho, along with representatives of a number of departments and agencies, local people, as well as tourists, participated in the procession offering lotus flowers to President Ho Chi Minh at the Special National Monument - President Ho Chi Minh’s childhood Memorial House in Duong No Village (Phu Duong Commune, Hue City) on the morning of May 19th.

Offering lotus flowers to President Ho Chi Minh at the Memorial House in Duong No Village
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